Jan 162017

4Sceners and Bitfellas published their favourite demoscene productions for the year 2016 and it is great to see three Amstrad CPC productions in their list, too. Ranked on 3rd place in the category “Best Music Disc” you will find the CPC vs. Virgill music disc by Tristar and Red Sector (TRSI). The other two productions can be found in the “Best Scene Game”. The awesome Pinball Dreams preview by the Batman Group ranked on the 2nd place (hey, this is just preview – what can we expect from the final product :-)) and ranked on the 7th place you will find the game Outlaws by RetroBytes which won the CPCRetroDev 2016 competition. You can have a look the complete results on the 4Sceners website (german).
It is always great to see Amstrad CPC productions mentioned in demoscene :-).

Jul 182016

Devilmarkus and ed209 / Slipstream released their new musicdisc “Remember the 80’s” on the Sundown 2016 demoscene party. As you might have already guessed, it features well-known music from the 80’s on the Amstrad CPC. They also participated in the wild demo competition and ranked 2nd.
You can download the musicdisc from Pouet.net (don’t forget to vote :-)).

Jul 062016

TRSI released a new musicdisc for the Amstrad CPC on the Nordlicht demoscene party. The disc features 7 tunes by Virgill, which you can select in a nice menu. It was also ranked 1st in the wild competition of the Nordlicht party. You can download the musicdisc at the end of this posting or from Pouet.net (don’t forget to vote :-)) and if you don’t want to listen to the tunes on the real machine or an emulator, you can listen to them on Soundcloud.

Musicdisc: CPC vs Virgill by Tristar & Red Sector Inc.


CPC vs Virgill
CPC vs Virgill
22.6 KiB
Jun 252016

About 2 years ago we celebrated the 30th anniversary of our beloved Amstrad CPC and three more years ago the call for participation to produce a “megademo” was started, which should be released on the 30th anniversary to celebrate the Amstrad CPC. Ok, it is a little late, but finally the megademo was released on the ReSeT #28 demoparty in Coutances / France… and it was worth to wait for it :-)!!!
The demo consists of different parts by various demosceners, which can be selected in a small menu part at the beginning of the demo. For those who do not want to wait, you can watch the recorded demo in the video below, but – as always when viewing demos – the demo looks best on the real hardware. So you should download it from Pouet.net (do not forget to vote for it) and run it on the real hardware!!!

A big “Thank you!” flies to all the people who participated in the production of this demo!!!

Mar 292016

Revision2016The Revision demoparty in Saarbrücken / Germany is just over and it was – as always – a great event and some CPC users attend to the meeting, too. We also saw two music entries produced on a CPC which competed in the “Oldskool Music” category. So here are the results of the category in which the CPC competed (you can find the complete results here).

Oldskool Music

  1. Club Revision by Winks/Fairlight – 806
  2. calculated by Andy/Nuance – 784
  3. Don’t Punish My Sync Claire by Factor6/Gemba Boys^Hooy-Program – 755
  4. 8-Bitburgers by fegolhuzz/Panda Design – 752
  5. A Computer In My Backpack (And A Chiptune In My Heart) by lft – 696
  6. Kiss Her Beard by AceMan/Appendix^Dreamweb – 636
  7. Ask Mommy by Dascon/Deadliners^Desire  – 631
  8. Sound of Cracktro by RAFT^TRSi – 621
  9. Remembrance by Stinsen/Genesis Project – 615
  10. Electric Donkey Muscles by RoccoW/Poo-Brain – 596
  11. Pokey Balboa by Triace/Desire^Insane – 592
  12. 21 Jump-Up Street by Hoffman and Teis – 586
  13. Insomnia Run by Radiant/Panda Design – 583
  15. Chip Trills by Juice – 544
  16. SONNEAUSMARSCH! by Spider Jerusalem/TRSi / Mayday! – 541
  17. Back In Space by Curt Cool/Depth Nah-Kolor & AMP & Hoaxers & Bitworld – 533
  18. SIDharta goes trauma by Qdor/Panda Design – 493
  19. Revised by LiSU_VV8/Tristesse – 444
  20. Out by bod/AttentionWhore – 436

I have linked the Amstrad CPC tunes directly in the results. You can find the complete downloads of the Oldskool Music compo on Scene.org.

UPDATE: Here is the live video of the Oldskool Music compo.

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