May 312009

Day 2 is over and so we come to the final day of the meeting here in Erlangen. Yesterday was – as always – Bergkirchweih time. You can see more in the pictures, which I took.

Kangaroo is playing music on a Nintendo DS with Korg DS-10. Ythcal, Gert Genial, Odin, Face Hugger and Nurgle have the opportunity to listen to him ;-).


No meeting without hardware defect. CPC-Mike’s monitor decided to send smoke to the people and died during the meeting. Nilquader, Dr.Zed and Face Hugger opened the monitor and had a look at it. You can see Villain in the background who doesn’t care about that (only on his ranking in the football manager).


Last bur not least we went to the Bergkirchweih to drink a beer or two…


…we also took a before and after photo of Gert Genial. Left: Before we went to the Berkirchweih. Right: After some beers ;-).


  2 Responses to “CPC Klassentreffen 2009 – Day 2”

  1. Salve ihr Freaks,

    Schön zu sehen, dass es noch ein paar andere CPC-Freunde da drausen gibt. Übrigens ein toller Blog!


  2. Danke, freut mich, dass dir mein Blog gefaellt :). Ja, wir sind zwar nur noch eine Hand voll Leute, aber trotzdem bleiben wir dann doch bei diesem Hobby. Ausserdem ist es ja immer wieder ein guter Grund, sich mal wieder zu treffen.

    CU Octo

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