While we are still waiting for the download of the CPCRetroDev 2016 competition, we already know the winners of the different categories. I have added the Youtube videos from the ByteRealms channel, which show the different games, so you can already have a look at what you are waiting for :-).
PRO category
- Outlaws / Retrobytes Productions
- Hire Hare / CNGSoft
- Virus Dog / CPC-Power
BASIC category
- El Reino del Color / Antonio Corpas
Gominolas: best music
- Outlaws / Retrobytes Productions
Jon Ritman: technical development
- Hire Hare / CNGSoft
Dinamic: innovative playability
- Outlaws / Retrobytes Productions
Catedra Santander-UA special awards
- Hair Boy / Carlos Sevila (gameplay, entertainment)
- Dragon Attack / Bitplane Technomantes (innovative development)
Again a big thank you to all participants, who made this competiton great again. I still cannot wait to get my hands on the games and play them on the real machine.
Man, you went into the future and seen CPCRetroDev 2017! ;D.
Haha, good catch :-)! But obviously, the CPCRetroDev will be a big success next year, too ;-).
[…] the great success of the last CPCRetroDev last year it is time for a new game competition in 2017 again, isn’t it? […]