Feb 022014

2013_charts_results_thumb.pngThe voting phase is over and 34 people voted for their favourite demos and productions in various categories. I guess, we saw some great productions during 2013 and I am sure that the results reflect the common reception. Head over to Push’n’Pop and see the result by yourself and don’t forget to have a look at the demos and productions on real hardware again :-).

Jan 112014

Well, I am little late this year, but: Goodbye 2013, hello 2014! We had some nice releases for the Amstrad CPC in 2013, so the demoscene site Push’n’Pop wants to create the charts of the best games, demos, etc. And this is the point where you can help: Go to Push’n’Pop and fill in the form to vote for your favourite CPC software in 2013. You can vote until the 31. January.

Nov 082013

Jonathan Cauldwell released a new version of the Arcade Game Designer (AGD) for the Amstrad CPC. With the AGD you can design your own arcade games. It features an own simplistic language, a sprite editor, a screen editor, etc. It is also possible to port games between the different platforms. The games “Lab Escape” and “Jigsaw Rescue” were built with the AGD.

You can get more information and find the latest version in the CPCWiki forums.


  • fixed sprite corruption at right edge of screen
  • return to BASIC at end of game
  • check for objects at next sprite position, not last position
  • sprites can now be spawned safely in main loop events
  • joystick 0/1 now selectable
Nov 062013

Egotrip released a new colourful platform game which was developed with the Arcade Game Designer (AGD) like Lab Escape.You play the pet of Princess Amy – a potato, which came to life after it got electro-shocked. It played with Amys favourite jigsaw in the garden when a gust of wind scattered the pieces throughout the castle grounds. Now it is up to you to collect all 30 pieces until Amy comes home…

The game is about 95% finished and only minor things are missing because of some bugs of AGD, however it is fully completeable. You can download it at the end of this news or from the CPCWiki forums.



Jigsaw Rescue
Jigsaw Rescue
Jigsaw Rescue(2).zip
37.7 KiB
Oct 222013

Marco Sowa will publish a conversion of the game Cyber-Chicken, which is already available for PC and mobile devices, for the Schneider CPC / Amstrad CPC in December. It will be available in two different versions: a 64kb and a 128kb version and you can also choose between disc or tape. It will be shipped in a “double-tape-case” with a cover and manual in 4 different languages. Additionally you will receive one of 111 posters in a limited edition (80 disc and 31 tape versions).

You can pre-order Cyber-Chicken for 15 EUR (tape) and 17 EUR (disc) excl. p&p and reserve your personal serial number on http://www.cc-cpc.de.


  • pixel-scrolling in all directions
  • more than 45 sprites on the screen
  • up to 50fps 3D graphics (128 KB version)
  • 8 levels (128 KB version), 4 levels (64 KB version)
  • options for colour-adjustment, sound, graphics and gameplay
  • optimised for Amstrad CPC / Schneider CPC
  • play with keyboard, joystick or mouse





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