Oct 072019

OffseT released a new version of his emulator for the MorphOS and Haiku operating systems. It emulates the Amstrad CPC old generation and the Amstrad Plus, too. The emulator was written from scratch, so it isn’t just a port of an existing open source Amstrad CPC emulator. Due to its very precise audio and video renderings, ACE should be your first choice to watch demos – if you have a MorphOS system around.
If you are a MorphOS or Haiku user and want to use your Amstrad CPC software under those systems, don’t hesitate and download it from the ACE homepage.


  • Added management of plugins activation from ACE icon.
  • Fixed overflow detection in CRTC editor window.
  • Fixed the last kwown emulation issue of CRTC 3 (fixes Tennis Cup 2 intro).
  • Fixed wrong timing of OUT (0),A opcode when putting data on bus.
  • Added support for up to 4096K expansion RAM (compatible with MemCard 2M and CPC4MB).
  • Added support for new snapshot chunks MX??, so that up to 4160K can be stored.
  • Added preferences save from the menu (resynchronize the icon’s tooltypes with run time settings).
  • Improved joysticks plugin to make use on the sensors.library instead of the lowlevel.library (thanks to Szilárd Biró for his code examples).
  • Fixed small issues and made internal modifications to ease code portability.
Oct 022019

A new version of the Retro Virtual Machine by Juan Carlos Gonzalez Amestoy was released. It is a modern multi-platform emulator for Windows, Linux and MacOS. Currently it supports the emulation of an Amstrad CPC 464, 664 and 6128 and also different Sinclair computers. Besides that it is also feature packed with for e.g. realistic CRT emulation and devices like the X-Mem, the CPC Dandanator or the AMX mouse. Hopefully more will come in the future. Needless to say that it also supports tape and floppy emulation and features extended development features like debugger and integrated assembler.

But have a look by yourself:

The Retro Virtual Machine immediatly became my favourite emulator, so if you want to test it, too, head over to the Retro Virtual Machine homepage and download it for your favourite operating system.


  • Multiplatform
    • Windows (Vista+)
    • Linux
    • MacOs (10.9+)
  • Multi System
    • ZX Spectrum
      • ZX Spectrum 16k
      • ZX Spectrum 48k (issue2/3/+/+English)
      • ZX Spectrum 128k (eng/spa)
      • ZX Spectrum +2 (eng/spa/fr)
      • ZX Spectrum +2A (4.0eng/4.0spa/4.1eng/4.1spa)
      • ZX Spectrum +3 (4.0eng/4.0spa/4.1eng/4.1spa)
      • ZX Spectrum +2E (eng/spa)
      • ZX Spectrum +3E (eng/spa)
      • Inves Spectrum +
      • ZX-Uno (v4.1/v4.2)
    • Amstrad CPC
      • Amstrad CPC 464 (CRTC-0)
      • Amstrad CPC 664 (CRTC-0)
      • Amstrad CPC 6128 (CRTC-0)
    • Multi machine
      • Possibility of opening several machines in parallel
    • Virtual Cassette
      • Support TAP,TZX,PZX,CSW,CDT in playback or recording.
    • Floppy disks
      • Low level disc (mfm)
      • New implementation of upd765
      • HFE/DSK support
    • Monitor
      • Emulation of synchronism (H-sync/V-sync)
      • New Shader
    • Joysticks / Gamepad
      • Autodetection
    • Devices
      • ZX Spectrum
      • DivMMC
      • Kempston Mouse
      • Magic-AY
      • Turbo Sound
    • Amstrad CPC
      • X-Mem
      • CPC Dandanator
      • AMX Mouse
    • Supported file systems in the integrated explorer
      • FAT 16
      • FAT 32
      • CPM
    • SD Emulation (SPI)
      • SD (max 2GB)
      • SDHC (max 32GB)
    • Development system (ALPHA)
      • Editable hexadecimal view
      • Editable disassembly view
      • Multiple monitors
      • Assembler with LUA pre-processor
      • Command terminal

Jul 262017

A new version of Sugarbox, a Amstrad CPC emulator for Windows, was released. The main features of the new version are emulation optimizations, support for the PlayCity and Multiface-II hardware, ZIP support and various other improvements (see changelog for more information).
Be sure to test the new version of the emulator and download the latest version from http://sugarbox.free.fr.


  • [Gate Array]: Fix mode changing : Imperial Mahjong now looks better!
  • [Expansions]: Add support for the Playcity
  • [Expansions]: Add support for the Multiface II cards.
  • [Z80]: Complete recoding of the Z80 core. It now use the real M and T states, and handle WAIT states correctly. More accurate.
  • [General]: ZIP support (only zip file at the moment) for tape and disks
  • [IPF]: IPF created is striclty equivalent to the original dump (in term of MFM track)
  • [IPF]: Minor fixes in IPF reading
  • [DSK]: Fix some wrong behaviour. Dsk reading should be more reliable (and will no longer crash)
  • [DSK]: Fix a bug in saving DSK file. It should no longer crash (anyway, if you can avoid using it, prefer HFE or IPF format !)
  • [Emulation]: All peripherals are now running in the correct timings.
  • [FDC]: Index detection fixed on Sector writing (Imperial Mahjong is able to save its configuration)
  • [FDC]: Dump with missing tracks will no longer crash Sugarbox
  • [FDC]: Fix wrong behaviour for double sided dumps that needs flipping of disk (fix altered beast double sided CTRaw)
  • [FDC]: Fix wrong status than can set « Seek end » incorrectly in some cases


May 262017

Kevin Thacker released a new work in progress version of his Amstrad CPC emulator called Arnold. For this release he did a huge amount of testing, especially for the FDC routines, and wrote a lot of tests to ensure that the emulator behaves just like the real machine.

You can get a precompiled version here: http://www.cpctech.org.uk/setup.zip

And for the Linux and Mac users (and Windows users :-)) – you can get the source code here: http://www.cpctech.org.uk/arnoldsrc.zip

Here is the changelog for this version (be prepared… it is huuuuuuge):

Continue reading »

Mar 272017

OffseT released a new version of his emulator for the MorphOS operating system. It emulates the Amstrad CPC old generation and the Amstrad Plus, too. The emulator was written from scratch, so it isn’t just a port of an existing open source Amstrad CPC emulator. Due to its very precise audio and video renderings, ACE should be your first choice to watch demos – if you have a MorphOS system around.
If you are a MorphOS user and want to use your Amstrad CPC software under MorphOS, don’t hesitate and download it from the ACE homepage.


  • Reworked layout of several windows.
  • Updated german catalog (Stefan ‘polluks’ Haubenthal).
  • Added new icons for GUI, drawers, plugins and filetypes (Mathieu ‘Hwikaa’ Delaruelle).
  • Re-optimized emulation speed that had deteriorated in version 1.13 (ACE is now 5% faster).
  • Greatly improved CRTC 0 emulation.
  • Fixed some minor issues in emulation of CRTC 1, 3 and 4.
  • Improved internals to ease portability on AmigaOS and AROS.
  • Added support for breakpoints on Maxam and WinAPE BRK opcodes.
  • Improved some AREXX commands.
  • Updated the cross-development examples to use vasmz80_oldstyle assembler instead of pasmo.

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