TFM just released a new version of FutureOS and some other tools and applications. There is a huge changelog, so have a look at it by yourself. You can download the latest software from the FutureOS homepage.
- 6128 Plus version: ROM D optimized.
- Bugfix in |FDESK command
- Extra E-RAM of X-MEM (64 KB internal) can be used now (640 KB! Not 576KB) with X-MEM via &7EC4-7
- MultiPlay support added
- Installer updated
- Bug in OS function GET_DIR corrected
- ROM applications can now be called using the RUN icon
- FutureOS eXpansion ROM Mangement enhanced
- API expanded: External ROMs can now call OS functions directly from Exp.ROM to FutureOS ROMs A-D
- Albireo detection added (scans for both main chips)
- Time and Date can now be shown optional as characters at bottom of screen instead of icons (nice in SPARtan mode imho)
- Hotkey “B” / Fire 2 (not 0 or 1!) added: Moves mouse arrow to next file, but without tagging (problems with Plus)
- Switch SPARtan mode on by default
- The “Show picture” function now starts in MODE 0 and 80 x 25 character mode
- Hotkey “J” added to Jump to file section in Desktop
- OS/API entry KLICK will now reset SP to &BFF8, stability improved
- ROM C compacted
- Efficient PlayCity autodetection added
- Documentation updated: printer management, E-RAM management