Nov 062019

We all love to use our old joysticks like the Competition PRO with our retro hardware, but to be honest, sometimes we wish to use a more modern input device like an XboX controller, don’t we? Impossible? No! Duke, also author of the great M4 WiFi interface for the Amstrad CPC, has designed a device, called Imperium Solo, that allows you to connect your modern game controller to the Amstrad CPC and play your games with it. It already supports a variety of USB input devices (like the already mentioned XboX controller or a USB NES gamepad), but the firmware is constantly improved by Duke to support even more input devices.
You can get more information and the latest firmware on Dukes Imperium Solo web page and discuss and order it in the CPC Wiki forums.

Nov 012019

NoRecess, who is well-known for his demos, tools and also interviews in with CPC sceners, released a work in progress video of his game for the Amstrad Plus / GX4000 computers. It is called SonicGX and obviously it is a Sonic the Hedgehog game and features a framerate of 50Hz and around 40 colours on screen. He plans to show other previews during the development and wants to release the game at the end of 2020. So keep your fingers crossed that we will have a cool jump and run game at the end of next year :-). Until then: subscribe his Youtube channel to get informed about his next previews and enjoy the preview…

Aug 182019

Shining / TGS just released a new Amstrad Plus demo on the Evoke 2019 demoscene party in Cologne / Germany. Download and vote for the production on

Nov 102018

Wow… what a great game development competition – again! And the best of all: I was allowed to be in the jury which was a great honor for me. But let’s talk about the games… I guess that this competition has rised the bar of the quality of the entries again and the students used ASM instead of C. Finally the games Operation Alexandria by 4MHz (1st), Jarlac by Retrobytes Productions (2nd) and Legend of Steel by TOD Studios (3rd) won the competition. And they really, really, really deserve it, but download them (download link below) and you can see it by yourself.

My personal 2nd place (I had to vote for the playability), the game Taulellets by Vicente Jimenez, was finally ranked 17 – anyway, I still like it very much and I will play it from time to time for sure. It made me come back during the test of the other games to play a short round to get past the next level :-).

If you want to participate on the CPCRetroDev next year, be sure to download the games and have a look at the documentations in the games folder. All the developers wrote a small “Making Of” and all games contain the source code. So this is obviously a great learning resource for everyone who wants to code for the Amstrad CPC.

But enough from me… here are the results of the CPCRetroDev 2018 game development competition:

1Operation Alexandra4MHz(393) Best Game, Carlos Abril Mention, Gominolas Mention, Relevo Mention
2JarlacRetrobytes Productions(380) 2nd Best Game, Pablo Ariza Mention
3Legend of SteelTOD Studios(283) 3rd Best Game
4The Adventures of Timothy GunnCNGSoft(278) 4th Best Game
5OPQA vs. QAOP: The Final BattleManuel Sagra(261)
677 AttemptsUnknown Design(202) Best Student Game
7Foosball F3Quique Miquel(180)
8Deeper WarrensArnoud Bouche(162)
9The Rookie ThiefCPZenon Games(145) 2nd Best Student Game
10Crimson Knight AdventuresNibble Games(134)
11Harvest DayPixel Productions(129)
13Earth DefenderCarlos Perezgrin(113) Best Opera Prima Additional Mention
14Snake BubbleThe Bubble Club(106)
15The Last DebtRetrojam Games(105)
17TaulelletsVicente Jimenez(99)
18The Spirit Of HalloweenLab16Devs(98)
19The CryptRetroGamma(97)
20Cannon DuelsDavid Asta(96)
21Space CowboyVoxelTower(94)
23BringRGBackDead Pixel(74)
25Turtle SlamTurtleSlam(68)
26Space BallAltered Vision(67)
27Elfo Saves ChristmasNinja Pointer(66)
28Two Finger Death NowSpherp08(62)
29Cat PangLady Cats(61)
30Cuchara VoladoraCucharaVoladora(60)
31Fitzroy And The Infestationawergh(60)
33HacktankRetroleto Games(50)
35Invade SpaceProyecto Red(41)
37DisassemblerMachine Gun(40)
38Killing MachinePizzarT(40)
39Penalty KicksSakis Kaffesakis(40)
4118th Century InvadersLYSGames(3)

You can download the games in one package directly down below or from the download section of this site. More information about the game development competition can be found on the CPCRetroDev homepage.


CPCRetroDev2018 All Games
CPCRetroDev2018 All Games

105.4 MiB
Jul 242017

Roudoudou released a new version of his Zilog Z80 cross-assembler called Rasm. Of course it supports all the undocumented opcodes, but beside of that, you can use conditional macros, a floating point engine and several mathmatical functions. A special feature is the possibility to create a cartridge for the Amstrad Plus or the Amstrad GX4000 directly by assembling your source code and you can automatically add an AMSDOS header to your binaries. It also supports crunched sections (the coded will be loaded and crunched on the fly) for LZ48, LZ49, LZ4, ZX7, and Exomizer. It has also a compatibility option to support the widely in the Amstrad CPC used MAXAM syntax. You can download and discuss it at the CPCWiki forums and at the end of this news.

Changes in v0.57

  • more flexible preprocessor with macro parameters
  • new label prefix tag {BANK} to get the bank where is located a label


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