Roudoudou released a new version of his Zilog Z80 cross-assembler called Rasm. Of course it supports all the undocumented opcodes, but beside of that, you can use conditional macros, a floating point engine and several mathmatical functions. A special feature is the possibility to create a cartridge for the Amstrad Plus or the Amstrad GX4000 directly by assembling your source code and you can automatically add an AMSDOS header to your binaries. It also supports crunched sections (the coded will be loaded and crunched on the fly) for LZ48, LZ49, LZ4, ZX7, and Exomizer. It has also a compatibility option to support the widely in the Amstrad CPC used MAXAM syntax. You can download and discuss it at the CPCWiki forums and at the end of this news.
Changes in v0.57
- more flexible preprocessor with macro parameters
- new label prefix tag {BANK} to get the bank where is located a label