Prodatron released a release candidate of his SymbOS system for the Amstrad CPC. After the network support, which was introduced in the last WIP version of SymbOS, the new version contains some bugfixes and support for widgets, which are little applications that can be placed directly inside the SymbOS desktop area. Like widgets for mobile phones they e.g. may show the time and date or the actual weather information. In the RC1, Prodatron currently provides a clock and CPU meter widget and a preview version of a weather widget.
The SymbOS ZIP archive also contains pre-installation files for the M4Board (Amstrad WiFi) and SYMBiFACE II compatible IDE interfaces now, so you can just copy them to the respective device and use SymbOS out of the box.
You can download and discuss the SymbOS 3.0 RC1 on the CPCWiki forums.
- fixed bug in the widget management of the extended desktop; the widget feature can now fully used as well
- no FDC access during the startup phase; increased booting speed