SOS released a very useful utility for all users of ACMEDOS called YANCC (Yet Another Norton Command Clone). With YANCC you can manage the files, which you have stored on your XMASS or Symbiface II IDE drives and of course you can easily copy them between your floppy disk. Obviously the GUI is similar to the old DOS program “Norton Commander”, hence the name of the utility. If you want to use it, be sure to compare the version number of ACMEDOS with the one that YANCC supports.
You can download the latest version of this utility from the CPCWiki forums.
TFM released the first version of his ROM manager for BASIC. With this tool you can load, manage and save single ROMs. Further you can save and restore a backup of all 32 ROMs of the SYMBiFACE II. You can park, unpark, clear, test, shift, swap and copy ROMs. The test fuction also allows to check and to adapt the checksum. It has a language interface for Dutch, English, French, German and Spanish. You can run it with every CPC464/664/6128 which is attached to a SYMBiFACE II.
You can download the file at the bottom of this posting and in the download section of this page.
A new batch (25 pieces) of [[SYMBiFACE II | Symbiface II]] interfaces for the Amstrad CPC is now available for ordering. If you are interested you can send a mail to Prodatron: (you need JavaScript to see the mail address).
The Symbiface II is the ultimate extension for your CPC:
- IDE interface (to connect a harddisk to the CPC)
- 512kb RAM expansion
- 512kb rewriteable ROM
- PS/2 mouse connector
- Real-time clock
Be quick to get one :-).
Nilquader had some free time during the Z-Fest and patched the game Arkanoid so that it now works with a mouse which is connected with the Symbiface II. You can download it from the CPC Forum:
Prodatron received the remaining Symbiface II cards from Dr.Zed so ordering a Symbiface II card is now possible. He will set up an order form on the Symbiface II homepage. Until it is set up, you can also directly order it from him per email.