Feb 022013

2012_charts_resultsThe voting phase is over, so here they are, the demo / prods charts for 2012. 47 people voted for their favourite production and – in my opinion – they had a good taste and chose the best. Head over to Push’n’Pop and view the results by yourself and don’t forget to have a look at them again Smiley!

Dec 242012

The year 2012 is nearly over so it is time for me to thank you for visiting my website. Well, this year was a good one for the Amstrad CPC, at least for my small website, because I saw an increasing interest in CPC related stuff.
What? You can’t remember, what was so special about 2012? No problem: here are the news of 2012.

So finally, I wish you a

Merry Christmas

and a

Happy New Year!

Dec 072012

Marco Sowa created a new archive site which tries to be an index for all released Amstrad CPC games and tools, containing screenshots, covers and ratings. The website is a community driven project, so you can help with voting for your favourite games and help with sending screenshots and cover images to improve the content. Visit http://www.cpc-history.com and help by contributing to the database.


Nov 202012

Kevin Thacker released a new library for the SDCC C-compiler, which allows you to access Amstrad Plus hardware features, which means that you can access colour and sprite functions easily in your C program. You can find the download (including the source code) and the discussion in the CPCWiki forum.

Nov 092012

Ha… you thought the plasma week is over? – Nope Smiley mit geöffnetem Mund! Overflow, who just released his “Yet another plasma” demo some days ago, wrote a small technical explanation on how to create a rasterline-plasma and posted it on the CPCWiki forums. So if you are interested on how to develop a smooth plasma effect for the Amstrad CPC, that’s the way to go.


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