May 262017

Kevin Thacker released a new work in progress version of his Amstrad CPC emulator called Arnold. For this release he did a huge amount of testing, especially for the FDC routines, and wrote a lot of tests to ensure that the emulator behaves just like the real machine.

You can get a precompiled version here:

And for the Linux and Mac users (and Windows users :-)) – you can get the source code here:

Here is the changelog for this version (be prepared… it is huuuuuuge):

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Oct 272016

Kevin Thacker released new version of his cross-platform development tools CPCXfs and 2CDT. With CPCXfs you can transfer files between DSK images, which can be used in an emulator or to transfer files to the real Amstrad CPC, and your local file system. 2CDT is a similar tool, which is used to transfer files from your local file system intro a CDT cassette image. This can also be used in an emulator or transfered to the real machine. Both utilities are widely used for cross-platform development, e.g. with CPCtelera, to prepare your release.
You can download CPCXfs and 2CDT from the CPCWiki forums or at the end of this news. The source code is included in the ZIP archives of the release.

Changelog CPCXfs

  • Fixed errors shown with static analysis
  • CPCXfs will correctly set ERRORLEVEL command-line variable under more error conditions
  • Some other smaller bugfixes

Changelog 2CDT

  • You can define the sync byte for headerless
  • Command-line processing under windows and linux has been re-written. It is a lot better.
  • If you uses the mode with 2 blocks and you gave it a file which was shorter than a block it would not write it correctly. Now fixed.
  • When using pure tone it didn’t write the length of the ‘1’ pulse correctly
  • Some issues seen when running static analysis over the code.
95.0 KiB
485.0 KiB
Nov 202012

Kevin Thacker released a new library for the SDCC C-compiler, which allows you to access Amstrad Plus hardware features, which means that you can access colour and sprite functions easily in your C program. You can find the download (including the source code) and the discussion in the CPCWiki forum.

Nov 212010

Kevin Thacker announced in the CPC Wiki forums that his games – Sudoku and Balloonacy – which were released under the Cronosoft label, are now available as full version on However, if you want a physical copy, both games are still available on cassette at Cronsoft.





Oct 112010

Blue Angel 69 is a conversion of the strategy game with the same name by Magic Bytes. In this game you are playing on a 8×8 board field from which you have to remove fields with numbers. Your opponent tries to do the same. The points which you remove from the game will be added to your score and of course you want to achieve a higher score than your opponent. Try it – it’s fun :).
The game was written by Kevin Thacker, graphics by Markus Homann, music by Roald Strauss and cover, sticker, catalogue art by Kukulcan. You can download the game and the source code from website of Blue Angel 69.

Now some technical details: The game was written with Z88dk with the Artaburus cpcrslib. It also uses the Starkos tracker for music playback, which means that you will find the sourcecode for a music playing library for Z88dk in the source code.


Blue Angel 69
Blue Angel 69
207.4 KiB
Blue Angel 69 source code
Blue Angel 69 source code
2.4 MiB

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