May 232017

SAMdisk is a tool to convert floppy disks into various disk images which can be used in emulators. It works with almost all PC floppy controllers and supports also some copy-protected formats. It requires that you have fdrawcmd.sys, a low-level floppy disk driver, installed on your system.

You can download the latest version from the SAMdisk website.

Version 3.8.10 (2017-05-14)

  • added read and write support .qdos (QL) disk images
  • added –irregular option for blind output image if first track isn’t regular
  • added –fill to set filler byte for regular formats
  • fixed setting perpendicular mode for 1Mbps data rate
  • fixed reading directly to single-sided formats from a:/b:
  • fixed short data indicator showing on no-data sectors
  • fixed raw output not using source format fill byte for missing sectors
  • changed raw output to allow blank head 1 to mirror head 0 format
Dec 312016

SAMdisk is a tool to convert floppy disks into various disk images which can be used in emulators. It works with almost all PC floppy controllers and supports also some copy-protected formats. It requires that you have fdrawcmd.sys, a low-level floppy disk driver, installed on your system.

You can download the latest version from the SAMdisk website.

Version 3.8.9 (2016-12-18):

  • fixed clipping extent of non-error sectors
  • fixed raw .2d file reading (thanks Tatsuyuki Sato)
  • fixed HD track error during 2DD to 2HD promotion (thanks Tatsuyuki Sato)
  • fixed use of scanning data rates not supported by FDC
  • fixed –offsets crash if 2 stored copies were present
  • changed gap indicator from g to +, added – for short sectors
  • added support for double-density MB-02+ disks (thanks Jan Kucera)
  • added –step-rate speed option (0=slow, 15=fast, 10=default)
Oct 272016

Kevin Thacker released new version of his cross-platform development tools CPCXfs and 2CDT. With CPCXfs you can transfer files between DSK images, which can be used in an emulator or to transfer files to the real Amstrad CPC, and your local file system. 2CDT is a similar tool, which is used to transfer files from your local file system intro a CDT cassette image. This can also be used in an emulator or transfered to the real machine. Both utilities are widely used for cross-platform development, e.g. with CPCtelera, to prepare your release.
You can download CPCXfs and 2CDT from the CPCWiki forums or at the end of this news. The source code is included in the ZIP archives of the release.

Changelog CPCXfs

  • Fixed errors shown with static analysis
  • CPCXfs will correctly set ERRORLEVEL command-line variable under more error conditions
  • Some other smaller bugfixes

Changelog 2CDT

  • You can define the sync byte for headerless
  • Command-line processing under windows and linux has been re-written. It is a lot better.
  • If you uses the mode with 2 blocks and you gave it a file which was shorter than a block it would not write it correctly. Now fixed.
  • When using pure tone it didn’t write the length of the ‘1’ pulse correctly
  • Some issues seen when running static analysis over the code.
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Mar 162014

SAMdisk is a tool to convert floppy disks into various disk images which can be used in emulators. It works with almost all PC floppy controllers and supports also some copy-protected formats. It requires that you have fdrawcmd.sys, a low-level floppy disk driver, installed on your system.

You can download the latest version from the SAMdisk website.

Changes Version 3.8.1 (2014-03-11):

  • Fixed data extent bug reading from stream images (SCP/RAW/DFI)
  • SBT images now auto-execute under SAM DOS, even if not natively bootable

Changes Version 3.8 (2014-03-09):

  • Added support for SuperCard Pro .scp flux disk images (MFM+FM)
  • Added –pll option to control PLL method with flux image scanning
  • Fixed –head giving ambiguous option error due to typo
  • Fixed KBI-19 format slightly overhanging track wrap
  • Improved EOT handling of flux images containing just one revolution
  • Changed –slow-step to –old-drive to better match usage
Jul 062013

SAMdisk is a tool to convert floppy disks into various disk images which can be used in emulators. It works with almost all PC floppy controllers and supports also some copy-protected formats. It requires that you have fdrawcmd.sys, a low-level floppy disk driver, installed on your system.

You can download the latest version from the SAMdisk website.


  • Added support for KryoFlux and DiscFerret stream images (MFM+FM)
  • Added preliminary support for D4M (FD-4000) disk images
  • Added hex output with –hex or -x, with limited hex using –hex-ish
  • Added –no-gap4b to ignore gap data after the final sector
  • Added –abs-offsets to show absolute rather than relative sector offsets
  • Fixed ‘extra byte’ EDSK extension being used unnecessarily on CRC errors
  • Fixed crash during CPC weak sector sniffing due to no-data 4th sector
  • Fixed regular image reading reporting transient disk errors
  • Improved support for ED images, including 2.88M raw images
  • Improved gap reading support for IPF images
  • Changed raw track parsing to ignore headers with ID CRC errors
  • Changed raw image writing to use only first cyl to determine format
  • Relaxed D2M sniffing by removing system partition type (0xff) check
  • Reduced gap sync requirement to remove more unwanted gaps

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