May 232017
SAMdisk is a tool to convert floppy disks into various disk images which can be used in emulators. It works with almost all PC floppy controllers and supports also some copy-protected formats. It requires that you have fdrawcmd.sys, a low-level floppy disk driver, installed on your system.
You can download the latest version from the SAMdisk website.
Version 3.8.10 (2017-05-14)
- added read and write support .qdos (QL) disk images
- added –irregular option for blind output image if first track isn’t regular
- added –fill to set filler byte for regular formats
- fixed setting perpendicular mode for 1Mbps data rate
- fixed reading directly to single-sided formats from a:/b:
- fixed short data indicator showing on no-data sectors
- fixed raw output not using source format fill byte for missing sectors
- changed raw output to allow blank head 1 to mirror head 0 format