Mar 132014

Bryce released an update of his library for the electronics layout program EAGLE, which contains parts which were often used in 8bit computers. It includes parts such as:

Sound / Speech:

  • SPO256
  • MEA8000
  • AY-3-8910
  • AY-3-8912 (24 + 28pin)
  • SID

CPC Specific:

  • 40010 Gate Array
  • CRTC6845
  • ACID
  • 50way edge Socket
  • Cartridge PCB edge

Floppy Controllers / Data Seperators:

  • UPD765
  • FDC9216
  • FDC9266
  • SED9420


  • Memory: MMN4164
  • 29F040 with socket foot-print (as used on the MegaFlash)


  • 8-Bit PC ISA card

All parts include schematic symbols and footprints including stoplack, silkscreen, names, values, etc. The pins have also been correctly defined to allow proper ERC and DRC confirmation checks. The library is compatible with EAGLE 5.x and 6.x. To install it, just copy it into the library folder. You can download it from the CPC Wiki forums or at the end of this news.

8-Bit Eagle Component Libraries v0.2
8-Bit Eagle Component Libraries v0.2
Version: 0.2
21.0 KiB
Nov 202012

Kevin Thacker released a new library for the SDCC C-compiler, which allows you to access Amstrad Plus hardware features, which means that you can access colour and sprite functions easily in your C program. You can find the download (including the source code) and the discussion in the CPCWiki forum.

Oct 252012

Artaburu released a first beta version of his utility library for the SDCC C compiler. E.g. Mariano the dragon or the recently released Nanako Descend To Hell was written with this library (using the Z88dk compiler as backend) and so it contains a lot of graphics functions, keyboard functions, map functions, etc. You can download it from the Google Code page of the CPCRSlib.

Here are the changes since my last posting:


cpcrslib for SDCC (beta) released.


cpcwyzlib for SDCC released.

Feb 152012

Bryce just released a new library for the electronics layout program EAGLE, which contains parts which were often used in 8bit computers. It includes parts such as:

Sound / Speech:

  • SPO256
  • MEA8000
  • AY-3-8910
  • AY-3-8912 (24 + 28pin)
  • SID

CPC Specific:

  • CRTC6845
  • ACID
  • 50way edge Socket
  • Cartridge PCB edge

Floppy Controllers / Data Seperators:

  • UPD765
  • FDC9216
  • FDC9266
  • SED9420


  • Memory: MMN4164

All parts include schematic symbols and footprints including stoplack, silkscreen, names, values, etc. The pins have also been correctly defined to allow proper ERC and DRC confirmation checks. The library is compatible with EAGLE 5.x and 6.x. To install it, just copy it into the library folder. You can download it from the CPC Wiki forums or at the end of this news.

UPDATE: Bryce just added new components to the library:

  • New Cartridge Edge connector (the old one didn’t comply with certain PCB manufacturers strict rules).
  • Added the 29F040 with socket foot-print (as used on the MegaFlash).

I updated the download on this page and you can – of course – get it from the CPCWiki forums, too.

8-Bit Eagle Component Libraries v0.1
8-Bit Eagle Component Libraries v0.1
Version: 0.1
19.9 KiB
Dec 182010

A little bit late, but anyway: Artaburu released a new version of his utility library for the Z88dk C compiler. E.g. Mariano the dragon or the recently released Nanako Descend To Hell was written with this library and so it contains a lot of graphics functions, key functions, map functions, etc. You can download it from the official homepage of the CPCRslib.

Here are the changes since my last posting:


cpcrslib with horizontal scrolling capabilities is uploaded. From now, there will be 2 official libraries: one for scrolling and one for static screen. Although the scrolling one can be used to for static screens, because it has been improved for scrolling, when static using it is a slower than the "standard" one. Horizontal scroll example included.


Bug in cpc_WyzPlayer corrected. When saving the player interrupt jump, the code was being corrupted due to a bad definition of the address where the original jump was being saved.


cpc_PrintGphStr0,cpc_PrintGphStr0M1: Optimized code: Smaller and faster, thanks to Kevin Thacker for coding it on Blue Angel 69. cpc_PrintGphStr2X,cpc_PrintGphStrXY2X,cpc_PrintGphStrM12X,cpc_PrintGphStrXY2X: New routines for printing graphical text at double height. Sample 5 modified.

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