Aug 052016

Reidrac just released a new jump and run game for the Amstrad CPC. It features awesome graphics, nice music, a lot of screens to explore aaaaaand Ninja Power aka Koga Magic :-). In the game, you play the ninja spy Kitsune who needs to collect the 30 pieces of the Golden Tail, which is a talisman with great power. But you can read more details about the story in the intro of the game. Be sure to download and play it – if possible on a real machine…
You can download the game from and at the end of this news. The ZIP file will contain a disk image, a cassette image and the game manual.

[UPDATE: v1.0.1-v1.0.3 some smaller bugfixes]

Version: 1.0.3
71.9 KiB
Oct 272012

ESPSoft released a new game for the Amstrad CPC, called Totems. Totems is a logic game similar to Columns which you can play with up to two players and features also different game types. You can download it from ESPSofts website.

UPDATE 2012/10/29:

  • New font type (not egypcian, sorry, but we think that is easier to read)
  • Bigger menu font
  • Now Play is de default option in the menu
  • We have changed the behaviour when the stones lay. No so abrupt now.
  • When playing in stage mode, before showing the partial scores, the brackground is clear to make the reading easy.
  • Added pause [TAB] and quit [ESC] keys during the game, they are redefinible.
  • When redefining, all the key assignation is deleted to allow the selection of previosuly assigned key.


Version: 1.1
74.9 KiB
Oct 252012

Artaburu released a first beta version of his utility library for the SDCC C compiler. E.g. Mariano the dragon or the recently released Nanako Descend To Hell was written with this library (using the Z88dk compiler as backend) and so it contains a lot of graphics functions, keyboard functions, map functions, etc. You can download it from the Google Code page of the CPCRSlib.

Here are the changes since my last posting:


cpcrslib for SDCC (beta) released.


cpcwyzlib for SDCC released.

Oct 142009

And another news game for the CPC brought to you by the Mojon Twins from spain. It has the strange name “Platformer Medley” which was originally just a development name, but the new name “A trip to the trippy supermarket, starring Mary Stormbringer” was too long and the development name already used ingame… Anyway… Platformer Medley is a jump and run game in the style of Jet Set Willy.
Btw, the Mojon Twins have already prepared a sequel which will only be released if you play through the whole game. If you finish it, you will get a keycode which you can send to the Mojon Twins and after that they will release the sequel. Nice motivation, isn’t it :-)?
You can download the game from the Mojon Twins homepage.


Platformer Medley Block #1
Platformer Medley Block #1
29.2 KiB
Oct 102009

ESP Soft released a new game for the CPC called iLogicAll. It is a logical game where you have to help MariBee to become queen. Unfortunately I am unable to understand spanish so I am not sure how to play it, but I read that it has a similar gameplay to “Picross”.
Don’t to download and play it. You can download it from the homepage.


109.3 KiB

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