Mar 022009
Artaburu released a new version of his utility library for the Z88dk C-compiler. Mariano the dragon was written with using this library and so it contains a lot of graphics functions, key functions, map functions, etc. You can download it from the official homepage of the CPCRslib.
Here are the changes of the new version:
- cpc_PutTrSpriteTileMap2b: New routine similar to cpc_PutTrSpTileMap2b but without the internal buffer address calculation, it requires use of cpc_SpUpdX and cpc_SpUpdY to update the sprite position or by the normal way but using cpc_SuperbufferAddress() after x,y update.
- cpc_UpdateTileMap: Update to include cpc_PutTrSpTileMap2 and cpc_PutTrSpriteTileMap2 routines.
- cpc_ScrollLeft0, cpc_ScrollLeft, cpc_ScrollRight0, cpc_ScrollRight: New routines for software scroll using tile map. (See example included in file)