Mar 132014

Bryce released an update of his library for the electronics layout program EAGLE, which contains parts which were often used in 8bit computers. It includes parts such as:

Sound / Speech:

  • SPO256
  • MEA8000
  • AY-3-8910
  • AY-3-8912 (24 + 28pin)
  • SID

CPC Specific:

  • 40010 Gate Array
  • CRTC6845
  • ACID
  • 50way edge Socket
  • Cartridge PCB edge

Floppy Controllers / Data Seperators:

  • UPD765
  • FDC9216
  • FDC9266
  • SED9420


  • Memory: MMN4164
  • 29F040 with socket foot-print (as used on the MegaFlash)


  • 8-Bit PC ISA card

All parts include schematic symbols and footprints including stoplack, silkscreen, names, values, etc. The pins have also been correctly defined to allow proper ERC and DRC confirmation checks. The library is compatible with EAGLE 5.x and 6.x. To install it, just copy it into the library folder. You can download it from the CPC Wiki forums or at the end of this news.

8-Bit Eagle Component Libraries v0.2
8-Bit Eagle Component Libraries v0.2
Version: 0.2
21.0 KiB
Feb 152012

Bryce just released a new library for the electronics layout program EAGLE, which contains parts which were often used in 8bit computers. It includes parts such as:

Sound / Speech:

  • SPO256
  • MEA8000
  • AY-3-8910
  • AY-3-8912 (24 + 28pin)
  • SID

CPC Specific:

  • CRTC6845
  • ACID
  • 50way edge Socket
  • Cartridge PCB edge

Floppy Controllers / Data Seperators:

  • UPD765
  • FDC9216
  • FDC9266
  • SED9420


  • Memory: MMN4164

All parts include schematic symbols and footprints including stoplack, silkscreen, names, values, etc. The pins have also been correctly defined to allow proper ERC and DRC confirmation checks. The library is compatible with EAGLE 5.x and 6.x. To install it, just copy it into the library folder. You can download it from the CPC Wiki forums or at the end of this news.

UPDATE: Bryce just added new components to the library:

  • New Cartridge Edge connector (the old one didn’t comply with certain PCB manufacturers strict rules).
  • Added the 29F040 with socket foot-print (as used on the MegaFlash).

I updated the download on this page and you can – of course – get it from the CPCWiki forums, too.

8-Bit Eagle Component Libraries v0.1
8-Bit Eagle Component Libraries v0.1
Version: 0.1
19.9 KiB
Jan 192012

Bryce, well known for his great hardware projects (MegaFlash ROM box, RGB to SVideo converter, MegaROM board, etc…), released a description on how to move the ACID protection chip into the CPC Plus. If you do this modification, you won’t need the ACID protection chip in the cartridge anymore and you can just connect cartridges without an ACID protection chip to the CPC Plus.
You can find the howto in the [[AcidInside|CPC Wiki]].

A replacement possibility for the ACID protection chip was also released last year, too.

Aug 052011

Finally the newest hardware release for the CPC is there: The MegaFlash. It is a ROM box, created by Bryce, which contains 512KB flash memory, which means that you can program it directly with your CPC. It is similar to the [[Inicron ROM-RAM-Box|ROM-RAM-Box]] by the Inicrons, the [[Ramcard 128|RAM-Card]] by RAM7 or the [[SYMBiFACE II]] by Dr.Zed (only the ROM part). You can now store ROM software like the Starkos tracker, Maxam, Protext, etc. in it.
If you want to order such a device, be quick (only a few devices are left) and send Bryce a personal message in the CPC Wiki forum.

[UPDATE:] Sorry, I totally forgot to write about the software you need to program the MegaFlash ROM box. The box can be programmed with the [[MegaFlashROManager]] by TFM which is available for Basic and FutureOS. Thanks for your comment, TFM!


Mar 272011

Bryce, already known for his great hardware extensions for the CPC, released a new hardware design which converts the RGB signal output of the CPC to a SVideo signal. It consists only of a few hardware components and is very cheap to build. Because some users requested it to be as small as possible to integrate the circuit into their CPCs, Bryce designed it to be as small as possible. You can get the schematics, the board layout and a more detailed description in the “[[RGB SVideo]]” article in the CPCWiki. You can discuss the hardware here.



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