Apr 092012

And another fresh release from the “Revision 2012” demoparty in Saarbrücken. This time it is a 4k demo by Benediction, Factor6 and Hooy-Program. The demo features nice music, a burning Nyan cat ;), lightmapping and a tunnel effekt. Be sure to watch it and download it from Pouet (as always, don’t forget to vote) or just at the end of this posting.

Here is the video of the intro:

Stop that Nyan cat
Stop that Nyan cat
11.6 KiB

  One Response to “Stop that Nyan cat 4k intro”

  1. […] 2012 demoscene meeting is over and you (maybe) already read the article about the Wake Up Demo, the Stop that Nyan cat 4k intro, Krustys seminar about The inglorious Amstrad or the official competition results of the […]

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