Mar 202017

Roudoudou released a brand new Zilog Z80 cross-assembler that targets the Amstrad CPC. Of course it supports all the undocumented opcodes, but beside of that, you can use conditional macros, a floating point engine and several mathmatical functions. A special feature is the possibility to create a cartridge for the Amstrad Plus or the Amstrad GX4000 directly by assembling your source code and you can automatically add an AMSDOS header to your binaries. However, it currently does not support the Maxam assembly syntax.
The latest version contains a lot of bugfixes (local labels, macro, label tree, alias, …) and a documentation in french and english. You can download and discuss it at the CPCWiki forums and at the end of this news.

Update 21.03.2017
Roudoudou released a new version v0.42 with the following changes:

  • allow old style label declaration with a starting dot
  • allow useless A, register form with ADC, ADD, SBC, SUB
  • extended syntax for 8bits index registers
  • documentation FR/EN updated

Update 31.03.2017 – Rasm v0.48

  • bugfix of label calculations when placed after a LZ48/LZ49 block (there is a buf left with more than one LZ section in the same ORG)
Rasm - Z80 assembler
Rasm - Z80 assembler
Version: v0.40
234.8 KiB
Rasm v0.42 - Z80 assembler
Rasm v0.42 - Z80 assembler
Version: v0.42
237.4 KiB
Dec 312016

As promised, Keith56 released his new bullet hell shooter for the Amstrad CPC 6128 & Plus on the 31st December. In the good old tradition of bullet hell shooters, you are playing a side-scrolling game with enemies, shooting an extreme load of bullets to you, which you have – of course – to avoid. Here is the introduction from the author:

“Chibiko didn’t get any presents from Santa this year… in fact, in the last year she’s been killed by
God, banished from hell, and reincarnated as the enemy of all mankind -so it’s pretty likely she will
never get in his good books again!
Still, she can always do without that ‘gotta-buy-it’ plush doll, and the coal is always useful for
burning ‘leftovers’.
What’s a whole lot less welcome is the strange monsters that have been lurking around the
mountains lately – and now they are infesting HER castle!
Join Chibiko in her unholy battle against the invasion of badly drawn, cliche and generally uninspired
enemies, pummel your way through 4 levels of brainless firepower crazy action – and unleash hell on
the 4 end level boss enemies!”

You can download the game (and its source code) from the website of the game or at the end of this news. Of course, you can also discuss it on the CPCWiki forums.

ChibiAkumas Multidisk
ChibiAkumas Multidisk
Version: v1.06
114.4 KiB
ChibiAkumas Source With Spritecompiler
ChibiAkumas Source With Spritecompiler
Version: v1.06
269.9 KiB
Jul 192016

And another fresh release from the Sundown 2016 demoscene party: BarBar by Benediction. BarBar is an intro, which uses the special hardware capabilities of the Amstrad Plus series. If you own such a system, be sure to watch it on the real machine (all others will use WinApe for sure :-)).
You can download the demo at the end of this news or directly from (don’t forget to vote).

Barbar(2016) (Benediction)
Barbar(2016) (Benediction)
110.5 KiB
Nov 012014

After years of inactivity I decided to release two old project, which I started to work on in 2010, publicly on my GitHub account. I have not produced any prototypes yet, so they are currently more a draft. Both projects use a flash EPROM to store the data in the cartridge. The first one is a simple Amstrad Plus / Amstrad GX4000 cartridge, which can be equipped with an original ACID protection chip or with a Xilinx XC9536 CPLD for ACID emulation (you can read more about the emulation here).


The second project is the design of a flash cartridge, which can be programmed on a PC via USB and used in a Amstrad Plus / Amstrad GX4000. You can read more about the design in the


Maybe someone with more time is interested to take over the projects, otherwise I will work on them every now and then…

Sep 102012

Impact and Revival released a new demo for the Amstrad Plus computers called Revival’n Impact Coop. You can download it from (don’t forget to vote). It features two parts coded by Ast and F-Key, with graphics by CeD and musics by Shap and Tao:

Revival’n Impact Coop–Part 1
Revival’n Impact Coop–Part 2

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