Nov 212016

Some time ago the Mojon Twins released their Amstrad CPC port of their game Sir Ababol 2 (you can download Sir Ababol here). In Sir Ababol 2 you have to guide the main character, Sir Ababol, to the top of the six towers of Freezia. Of course you have to fight against several enemies which you will meet on your way.

Sir Ababol 2 by the Mojon Twins

You can download Sir Ababol 2 from the Mojon Twins homepage or at the end of this posting. The source code for the game can be found there, too.

Sir Ababol 2 by the Mojon Twins - in game graphics

The game was developed with the Z88dk cross-compiler by using the PSG player by Wyz, the CPCRSlib by Artaburu and uses the Exomizer 2 compression library by MetalBrain.

Sir Ababol 2
Sir Ababol 2
63.8 KiB
Sir Ababol 2 source code
Sir Ababol 2 source code
737.8 KiB

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