Sep 072019

You might have already noticed it – there are currently not that many updates on my page as you might have been used to. After a lot of different changes (where I do not want to bore you with details ;-)) I needed a time out from all that retro stuff. However, I am still around and visited at least the Revision in Saarbrücken, the Evoke in Cologne and the XzentriX in Seeshaupt. We also won the second price in the fast music compo at the Revision… I also recorded live videos of the CPC demos that were shown during the Revision and some of you are still waiting that I publish them, but they were too “shaky” and dark so that deshaking was not possible and I did not want to upload them in the current condition.

If you had an eye on the technical stuff of my pages, you might have noticed that I worked a little bit under the hood and installed Let’s encrypt certificates on my pages. I also moved this page one directory down, so that the main pages is now sitting on instead of Hopefully the rewrite rules are redirecting you, if you have still links to the content of my page, but please check the RSS feed integration (if you are using it). I also plan to get rid of the development blog and move it back to my weblog… anyway, that is not CPC related and both are german blogs :-).

Well, during the next time I will try to catch up with the news that was laying around for a long time. But my time is still limited and I am not able to read all the CPC forums where there might be news around. So if you have any news about the CPC or CPC related topics, do not hesitate and contact me via the contact page or just drop a mail to

Let’s bring our hobby to the next century :-)!

Apr 132017

A big task on my ToDo list for this website is to move it to HTTPS. If you have already tried to use HTTPS, you might have seen that the site already uses a valid certificate but the WordPress installation still uses insecure locations to load data. I will start this evening to move WordPress itself to HTTPS and there might be some problems with older content on this site. Hopefully the page will be normally working until next week (well – or this evening again, of course ;-)), so if you experience any problems, please use the comments or the contact form and help me to get them fixed.

[UPDATE: The website is using HTTPS now. If you are trying to use HTTP you will be automatically forwarded to the HTTPS version of the website. During the update process I had to remove the CPC Toplist, because the CPC-Live website uses a non valid self issued certificate (it expired), which would cause security warnings in your browser. During the next days, I will try to check most of the pages to prevent loading content from non secured pages :-). Hopefully the RSS feed readers will still work…]

Jan 012017

My best wishes to you for the year 2017 and hopefully we see another thrilling year like 2016. If we look back at 2016, we saw an awesome amount of new productions, hardware and a lot of new people joining the Amstrad CPC community. So a big thank you to all the authors who dedicate their spare free time to the development of new retro games, utilities, etc. and a big thank you to all the other people who are discussing, produce videos and dedicating their free time to their hobby as well.
As you might have noticed, in 2016 I have changed the way, how I write the news on this page and try to continously provide you with news instead of writing 3 news a day (ok, let’s not look backward at yesterday – that was my own firework on this page ;-)). This was a success so I will keep this system. Another thing, what I want to change is to use SSL for my website. Currently I am investigating how much effort is necessary to change the whole website to SSL.
Finally, if you are an author and your awesome work is not mentioned here, then don’t hesitate to use the contact form and submit it here. I am always happy about any submission I can get for the news :-).

Finally – again – a happy new year 2017 and my best wishes for you and your families! Maybe we see us on an event like the Revision, the Evoke or the XzentriX :-)!

Nov 012014

After years of inactivity I decided to release two old project, which I started to work on in 2010, publicly on my GitHub account. I have not produced any prototypes yet, so they are currently more a draft. Both projects use a flash EPROM to store the data in the cartridge. The first one is a simple Amstrad Plus / Amstrad GX4000 cartridge, which can be equipped with an original ACID protection chip or with a Xilinx XC9536 CPLD for ACID emulation (you can read more about the emulation here).


The second project is the design of a flash cartridge, which can be programmed on a PC via USB and used in a Amstrad Plus / Amstrad GX4000. You can read more about the design in the


Maybe someone with more time is interested to take over the projects, otherwise I will work on them every now and then…

Sep 042011

I updated my Code::blocks (a powerfull open source development environment) template, which allows you to compile the “Hello world!” example of Norecess’ SDCC tutorial. The main changes are the update of SDCC2Pasmo and ManageDSK to the latest version. I also added an example file ‘defines.h’ which shows how to create multi-line assembler defines. I also defined the BREAKPOINT keyword, which you can add in your source code. WinApe will automatically start its debugger if it has to execute this byte sequence. You can download it from Norecess’ website and at the end of this post.


  • added SDCC2Pasmo v1.5
  • added ManageDSK v0.20
  • added defines.h to show definition of multi-line assembler definitions
  • added example BREAKPOINT (for WinApe breakpoints) and MODE definitions
Code::Blocks CPC SDCC template v1.2
Code::Blocks CPC SDCC template v1.2
Version: v1.2

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