Apr 132017

A big task on my ToDo list for this website is to move it to HTTPS. If you have already tried to use HTTPS, you might have seen that the site already uses a valid certificate but the WordPress installation still uses insecure locations to load data. I will start this evening to move WordPress itself to HTTPS and there might be some problems with older content on this site. Hopefully the page will be normally working until next week (well – or this evening again, of course ;-)), so if you experience any problems, please use the comments or the contact form and help me to get them fixed.

[UPDATE: The website is using HTTPS now. If you are trying to use HTTP you will be automatically forwarded to the HTTPS version of the website. During the update process I had to remove the CPC Toplist, because the CPC-Live website uses a non valid self issued certificate (it expired), which would cause security warnings in your browser. During the next days, I will try to check most of the pages to prevent loading content from non secured pages :-). Hopefully the RSS feed readers will still work…]

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