Sep 072019

You might have already noticed it – there are currently not that many updates on my page as you might have been used to. After a lot of different changes (where I do not want to bore you with details ;-)) I needed a time out from all that retro stuff. However, I am still around and visited at least the Revision in Saarbrücken, the Evoke in Cologne and the XzentriX in Seeshaupt. We also won the second price in the fast music compo at the Revision… I also recorded live videos of the CPC demos that were shown during the Revision and some of you are still waiting that I publish them, but they were too “shaky” and dark so that deshaking was not possible and I did not want to upload them in the current condition.

If you had an eye on the technical stuff of my pages, you might have noticed that I worked a little bit under the hood and installed Let’s encrypt certificates on my pages. I also moved this page one directory down, so that the main pages is now sitting on instead of Hopefully the rewrite rules are redirecting you, if you have still links to the content of my page, but please check the RSS feed integration (if you are using it). I also plan to get rid of the development blog and move it back to my weblog… anyway, that is not CPC related and both are german blogs :-).

Well, during the next time I will try to catch up with the news that was laying around for a long time. But my time is still limited and I am not able to read all the CPC forums where there might be news around. So if you have any news about the CPC or CPC related topics, do not hesitate and contact me via the contact page or just drop a mail to

Let’s bring our hobby to the next century :-)!

Aug 182019

Shining / TGS just released a new Amstrad Plus demo on the Evoke 2019 demoscene party in Cologne / Germany. Download and vote for the production on

Aug 192017

Shining, well known for his great games Defence and Pentomino, just released a Amstrad CPC version of the “Bad Apple” animation of the Touhou Project on the Evoke 2017 in Cologne / Germany. The hardware requirements are high, you need 1 MB RAM (e.g. X-Mem and Y-Mem) and a MX4 board. You can download the version at the end of the news and for the rest of us, Devilmarkus captured a video and uploaded it to Youtube:


Bad Apple by Touhou Project for the CPC
1.6 MiB
Aug 142011

Ok… I blogged you :-)! Ultrasyd, Krusty and Voxfrex released their new demo “Bloc us” on the Evoke 2011 demo party which was held in Cologne from 12th to 14th August. The demo was ranked on 9th place in the “Alternative Platform Compo”. It features great music, nice effects, is a trakmo… but watch it by yourself. You can download it from Pouet or at the end of this posting.

This is the live footage of the demo from the meeting:

Bloc us demo on the Evoke 2011 demo meeting
Bloc us
Bloc us

58.0 KiB

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