Madram, Drill and Hicks have released a new version of ORGAMS – an assembler for Z80 assembly language, which runs on the Amstrad CPC. It is a ROM based assembler, so you should use it with a ROM expansion like the X-MEM board by TotO or the Amstrad WiFi. It also features a very detailed english and a french user guide. You can download the latest version from the CPCWiki forums.

New features
- Trace: Source visualization while debugging (imperfect, Orgams can be lost with conditional or repeated blocs)
- Trace: Memory visualization while debugging
- Trace: CONTROL UP/DOWN for faster navigation
- Monitor: Binary display with ‘?’ command
- Monitor: Display restored zone when returning to BASIC
- Assembler: Can assemble up to #BF80, and in #C000-#FFFF page
- Editor: Free cursor
- Editor: TAB to repeat previous search (text or label)
- Editor: ESC to stop current search (only works with CONTROL F)
- Editor: CONTROL-ESPACE put/remove BRK
- Editor: CONTROL-C to display CATalogue
- Editor: Can join lines (DEL at first column). Corollary : ‘DEL’ after ‘RETURN’ cancels an unexpected split
- Editor: Use ‘&’ for hexa, like in BASIC and MAXAM.
- Editor: Allow (IX) as shortcut for (IX+0)
- General: Use RAM from very last bank (&FF) to alleviate conflict with 256k RAM-DISC.
- General: Extension and Monogams ROMs can be burned everywhere (i.e. ROM 1 to 127)
- General: Allow |o,”source” (no need to write “.o”)
- Bloc repetition was corrupted when corresponding source was overlapping 2 banks
- Division with MSB set in divisor (e.g. &240/&C0) was corrupted
- Sign was lost with sub-expression (e.g. -1/[1/1] or -1 mod [4 mod 5])
- Negative values for FILL, ORG and repetitions raise error.
- Bad expression for repetitions (e.g. undefined label) raise error.
- Proper binary save from 9800-HIMEM zone
- Returning to basic won’t reset 9800-HIMEM zone anymore
- ‘ORG &100’ now correctly parsed (not as ‘OR G AND 100’)
- Assembling in RSX workzone (e.g. A6FC+) won’t corrupt firmware (Orgams-wise) anymore
- At first invocation of BRK/Monogams, select RAM by default (lower & upper)
- Robuster memory detection
- Fix stack going down at each assemble / editor access.
- Numeric pad is active when invoking |m
- Block markers properly corrected when importing file
- LD B,(IX) doesn’t crash anymore
- LD H,IXH doesn’t crash anymore
- Miscellaneous search bugs (CONTROL F) corrected.