Aug 192017

Shining, well known for his great games Defence and Pentomino, just released a Amstrad CPC version of the “Bad Apple” animation of the Touhou Project on the Evoke 2017 in Cologne / Germany. The hardware requirements are high, you need 1 MB RAM (e.g. X-Mem and Y-Mem) and a MX4 board. You can download the version at the end of the news and for the rest of us, Devilmarkus captured a video and uploaded it to Youtube:


Bad Apple by Touhou Project for the CPC
1.6 MiB
Aug 232016

Madram, Drill and Hicks have released a new version of ORGAMS – an assembler for Z80 assembly language, which runs on the Amstrad CPC. It is a ROM based assembler, so you should use it with a ROM expansion like the X-MEM board by TotO or the Amstrad WiFi. It also features a very detailed english and a french user guide. You can download the latest version from the CPCWiki forums.

ORGAMS assembler

New features

  • Trace: Source visualization while debugging (imperfect, Orgams can be lost with conditional or repeated blocs)
  • Trace: Memory visualization while debugging
  • Trace: CONTROL UP/DOWN for faster navigation
  • Monitor: Binary display with ‘?’ command
  • Monitor: Display restored zone when returning to BASIC
  • Assembler: Can assemble up to #BF80, and in #C000-#FFFF page
  • Editor: Free cursor
  • Editor: TAB to repeat previous search (text or label)
  • Editor: ESC to stop current search (only works with CONTROL F)
  • Editor: CONTROL-ESPACE put/remove BRK
  • Editor: CONTROL-C to display CATalogue
  • Editor: Can join lines (DEL at first column). Corollary : ‘DEL’ after ‘RETURN’ cancels an unexpected split
  • Editor: Use ‘&’ for hexa, like in BASIC and MAXAM.
  • Editor: Allow (IX) as shortcut for (IX+0)
  • General: Use RAM from very last bank (&FF) to alleviate conflict with 256k RAM-DISC.
  • General: Extension and Monogams ROMs can be burned everywhere (i.e. ROM 1 to 127)
  • General: Allow |o,”source” (no need to write “.o”)


  • Bloc repetition was corrupted when corresponding source was overlapping 2 banks
  • Division with MSB set in divisor (e.g. &240/&C0) was corrupted
  • Sign was lost with sub-expression (e.g. -1/[1/1] or -1 mod [4 mod 5])
  • Negative values for FILL, ORG and repetitions raise error.
  • Bad expression for repetitions (e.g. undefined label) raise error.
  • Proper binary save from 9800-HIMEM zone
  • Returning to basic won’t reset 9800-HIMEM zone anymore
  • ‘ORG &100’ now correctly parsed (not as ‘OR G AND 100’)
  • Assembling in RSX workzone (e.g. A6FC+) won’t corrupt firmware (Orgams-wise) anymore
  • Reset CRTC in RESTORE
  • Mute AY in BRK/RESTORE
  • At first invocation of BRK/Monogams, select RAM by default (lower & upper)
  • Robuster memory detection
  • Fix stack going down at each assemble / editor access.
  • Numeric pad is active when invoking |m
  • Block markers properly corrected when importing file
  • LD B,(IX) doesn’t crash anymore
  • LD H,IXH doesn’t crash anymore
  • Miscellaneous search bugs (CONTROL F) corrected.
Mar 022015

Madram, Drill and Hicks were working on a new assembler called ORGAMS for the Amstrad CPC and have just released the first version of it. ORGAMS is a ROM based assembler (use it with the great X-MEM by TotO) and is loosley based on DAMS / Turbo Assembler because the authors are using those assemblers. You can discuss the features or ask for help in the dedicated thread in the Push’n’Pop forum. If you understand french, you can also check out the Orgams Wiki. The latest version of the assembler can be downloaded here.


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