Oct 022019

A new version of the Retro Virtual Machine by Juan Carlos Gonzalez Amestoy was released. It is a modern multi-platform emulator for Windows, Linux and MacOS. Currently it supports the emulation of an Amstrad CPC 464, 664 and 6128 and also different Sinclair computers. Besides that it is also feature packed with for e.g. realistic CRT emulation and devices like the X-Mem, the CPC Dandanator or the AMX mouse. Hopefully more will come in the future. Needless to say that it also supports tape and floppy emulation and features extended development features like debugger and integrated assembler.

But have a look by yourself:

The Retro Virtual Machine immediatly became my favourite emulator, so if you want to test it, too, head over to the Retro Virtual Machine homepage and download it for your favourite operating system.


  • Multiplatform
    • Windows (Vista+)
    • Linux
    • MacOs (10.9+)
  • Multi System
    • ZX Spectrum
      • ZX Spectrum 16k
      • ZX Spectrum 48k (issue2/3/+/+English)
      • ZX Spectrum 128k (eng/spa)
      • ZX Spectrum +2 (eng/spa/fr)
      • ZX Spectrum +2A (4.0eng/4.0spa/4.1eng/4.1spa)
      • ZX Spectrum +3 (4.0eng/4.0spa/4.1eng/4.1spa)
      • ZX Spectrum +2E (eng/spa)
      • ZX Spectrum +3E (eng/spa)
      • Inves Spectrum +
      • ZX-Uno (v4.1/v4.2)
    • Amstrad CPC
      • Amstrad CPC 464 (CRTC-0)
      • Amstrad CPC 664 (CRTC-0)
      • Amstrad CPC 6128 (CRTC-0)
    • Multi machine
      • Possibility of opening several machines in parallel
    • Virtual Cassette
      • Support TAP,TZX,PZX,CSW,CDT in playback or recording.
    • Floppy disks
      • Low level disc (mfm)
      • New implementation of upd765
      • HFE/DSK support
    • Monitor
      • Emulation of synchronism (H-sync/V-sync)
      • New Shader
    • Joysticks / Gamepad
      • Autodetection
    • Devices
      • ZX Spectrum
      • DivMMC
      • Kempston Mouse
      • Magic-AY
      • Turbo Sound
    • Amstrad CPC
      • X-Mem
      • CPC Dandanator
      • AMX Mouse
    • Supported file systems in the integrated explorer
      • FAT 16
      • FAT 32
      • CPM
    • SD Emulation (SPI)
      • SD (max 2GB)
      • SDHC (max 32GB)
    • Development system (ALPHA)
      • Editable hexadecimal view
      • Editable disassembly view
      • Multiple monitors
      • Assembler with LUA pre-processor
      • Command terminal

Mar 222010

A new version of Grafx2, a bitmap painting program, was released today. With this program you can draw in more that 60 screen resolutions (e.g. all Amiga screen resolutions are supported). It was written for DOS, but ported to use the SDL graphics library, so it is now available for Windows, Linux, MacOS and FreeBSD. You can download it from the Grafx2 page at Google Code.

Here are the main changes (full changelist):

  • Layers
  • Lua scripting to generate and distort your drawings
  • Helper for saving complex C64 formats (FLI)
  • Some bug fixes


Jan 212010

Flynn released a port of his Amstrad CPC emulator called WinCPC for the MacOS-X operating system. It is currently in alpha stage, but the following features are already implemented:

  • FDC emulation is complete. In MacCPC, stepping rate is considered as well.
  • PSG/sound rendering is complete.
  • CRTC/VDU emulation is complete. If desired, PAL emulation can be switched on.
  • Tape emulation is complete.
  • DSK and ZIP support.
  • CDT and ZIP support.
  • SNA and ZIP support.
  • Integrated debugger a la WinCPC.

You can download MacCPC directly from Flynn’s homepage or at the end of this posting.

[UPDATE: Flynn updated the emulator to version 0.9.2. This version resolves some problems with screen output in MacOX 10.6]



Version: v0.9.2 alpha

723.5 KiB
Dec 232009

Flynn, author of the game H.E.R.O. and the WinCPC emulator for Windows, just wanted to learn how to program an Apple Macintosh and started to port WinCPC. The WinCPC emulation core was ported to C and the View and Controller were ported to Objective-C. He also thought about an iPhone port…

Well, there is lot’s of work to do, e.g. FDC and tape routines, sound rendering and a lot of other things, so it will take some time until MacCPC will be released. He also wrote that he has not discontinued WinCPC.


Oct 132008

Another great news for cross-developers: PulkoMandy released an updated version of his pixel-art tool GrafX2. The sourcecode is available and should compile under Linux, Windows and MacOS. However, currently only binaries for Windows are available on the GrafX2 website , but binaries for the other systems will follow. The software is avtively supported, so don’t hesitate to ask the developers for help, features and bugfixes.


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