Jan 212010

Flynn released a port of his Amstrad CPC emulator called WinCPC for the MacOS-X operating system. It is currently in alpha stage, but the following features are already implemented:

  • FDC emulation is complete. In MacCPC, stepping rate is considered as well.
  • PSG/sound rendering is complete.
  • CRTC/VDU emulation is complete. If desired, PAL emulation can be switched on.
  • Tape emulation is complete.
  • DSK and ZIP support.
  • CDT and ZIP support.
  • SNA and ZIP support.
  • Integrated debugger a la WinCPC.

You can download MacCPC directly from Flynn’s homepage or at the end of this posting.

[UPDATE: Flynn updated the emulator to version 0.9.2. This version resolves some problems with screen output in MacOX 10.6]


Version: v0.9.2 alpha
723.5 KiB

  6 Responses to “MacCPC v0.9.1 alpha / v0.9.2 alpha”

  1. How wonderful!!! The first emulator, that provides the PIO register for debugging. FLYNN – PLEASE MAKE A windows version TOO!!! Greets to MacCPC. TFM

  2. Flynn released a new version 0.9.2, which fixes a bug of the screen output with MacOS 10.6.
    It’s on his homepage.

  3. Thanks for the info Ythcal. I will update the file and the posting.

  4. Now we only need the windows Version!

  5. Well, he does have WinCPC…

  6. Talking bout the news in MacCPC, not included in WinCPC. Makes it for debugging purposes of particular interrest.

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