Jan 102007
Flynn released a new version of his CPC emulator for Windows. Here are the features of WinCPC:
- Z80 with all undocumented OP codes
- µPD765-A FDC support for two drive assemblies (floppydisc controller)
- floppy drive noises
- RAM banking up to 576kb/expansion of ROM
- HD6845 CRT controller (type 0)
- AY-3-8912 PSG sound chip
- DSK and EDSK diskette images
- CDT and TZX tape/cassette image
- CDT to WAV converter
- Joystick support
- integrated debugger and periphery inspector
- integrated Zilog Z80 assembler
- integrated Intel 8080 assembler
- SYMBiFACE II emulation
- printer support into printer file
- digiblaster support (enables to hear sound via printer port)
- sound recorder
- color, green or grey tone monitor with brightness and contrast adjustment
- VDU emulation
- GUI in english, french and german
- 2-layer keyboard mapping
- windowed or fullscreen mode
- drag’n’drop of DSK/CDT and ZIP files
You can download the new version on the WinCPC homepage.
[…] author of the game H.E.R.O. and the WinCPC emulator for Windows, just wanted to learn how to program an Apple Macintosh and started to port […]