Nov 062013

Egotrip released a new colourful platform game which was developed with the Arcade Game Designer (AGD) like Lab Escape.You play the pet of Princess Amy – a potato, which came to life after it got electro-shocked. It played with Amys favourite jigsaw in the garden when a gust of wind scattered the pieces throughout the castle grounds. Now it is up to you to collect all 30 pieces until Amy comes home…

The game is about 95% finished and only minor things are missing because of some bugs of AGD, however it is fully completeable. You can download it at the end of this news or from the CPCWiki forums.



Jigsaw Rescue
Jigsaw Rescue
Jigsaw Rescue(2).zip
37.7 KiB

  One Response to “Jigsaw Rescue–a new platform game”

  1. […] is also possible to port games between the different platforms. The games “Lab Escape” and “Jigsaw Rescue” were built with the […]

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