Oct 102016

CargoSoft, well-known for the awesome Orion Prime horror sci-fi adventure, released a new game called “Imperial Mahjong”. You might already have guessed it: it is a mahjong game for the Amstrad CPC. This all sounds well-known and simple, but it isn’t: it features two new graphics modes (EGX – 16 colours, 320×200 instead of 4 colours, EGX2 – 4 colours in 640×200 instead of 2 colours). During the whole game, you can hear digi drums and the game itself features more than 30 minutes of music! Play the game and find out much more features in it. And… it looks soooooo beautiful :-)!

Imperial Mahjong

To play the game, you need at least 128kb RAM. You can download it at the end of the news or from the CargoSoft Imperial Mahjong homepage.

262.5 KiB
Jul 022012

Last but not least it is released: The german version of Orion Prime, the cool horror-adventure by Cargosoft. We know it took quite a while, but you will get the full german version, which means everything was translated – the manual, the game, the disc label… Be quick, download and play it!


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