Jun 262007

MiguelSky just released a new version of his CPCGamesCD. The CPCGamesCD is a browsable database which contains nearly all games for the Amstrad / Schneider CPC. Maybe you know the frontends for Mame32 – the CPCGamesCD aims in the same direction.
And here are the changes since the last version:

  • New CPCLoader frontend (v1.6.3 by TroelsK)
  • NVG update to 10.06.2007
  • Snap-Pack with all the captures (3464)
  • New version of CPCE (1.81), WinCPC (0.9.26) and WinAPE (2.0a12)
  • Improved categorization

You can get the download links from the CPCGamesCD homepage. Additionally Devilmarkus provides a mirror for the CD image, too.

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