Apr 232009
MiguelSky has just released a new version of the CPCGamesCD. The CPCGamesCD is a CD which contains emulators and CPC games combined with a nice frontende to select and play the games. You can download it from the CPCGamesCD homepage.
Here are the features of the new version:
- Includes frontend, new CPC Loader 2.4 by Troels K
- Includes NVG games update 11.04.2009
- Includes Snap-Pack by MiguelSky (3576 images)
- Added new version 6.2 of JavaCPC emulator
- Includes Linux version of CPCLoader 2.4 and emus update
- Includes Maps folder of NVG and support for that
- Includes Links to T.A.C.G.R.