Dec 312010

Jahrome11 released the first Amstrad CPC emulator for Google’s Andoid operating system. The emulator is based on Ludovic Jacommes WizCAP32 emulator which is a Caprice port for the Gamepark Wiz. Currently this emulator is only supposed to work on devices which have a physical keyboard connected to the device.

You can download the emulator from its page at Google Code.

  3 Responses to “CPC emulator for Android”

  1. […] the rest of the article here. 464, 6128, 664, Amstrad, android, cpc, emulator, […]

  2. […] released a new CPC emulator for Android. Like AndCPC it is based on ZX81s PSPCap32, but doesn’t need a physical keyboard connected to the Android […]

  3. […] after CPCDroid and AndCPC, this is the third Amstrad CPC emulator for […]

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