Jun 252016

About 2 years ago we celebrated the 30th anniversary of our beloved Amstrad CPC and three more years ago the call for participation to produce a “megademo” was started, which should be released on the 30th anniversary to celebrate the Amstrad CPC. Ok, it is a little late, but finally the megademo was released on the ReSeT #28 demoparty in Coutances / France… and it was worth to wait for it :-)!!!
The demo consists of different parts by various demosceners, which can be selected in a small menu part at the beginning of the demo. For those who do not want to wait, you can watch the recorded demo in the video below, but – as always when viewing demos – the demo looks best on the real hardware. So you should download it from Pouet.net (do not forget to vote for it) and run it on the real hardware!!!

A big “Thank you!” flies to all the people who participated in the production of this demo!!!

Aug 162014

Xyphoe, well known for his great Amstrd CPC game videos on Youtube, just uploaded a new video in which he celebrates the 30th anniversary of the Amstrad CPC 464. This one hour video features Darran Jones, Larry Bundy Jr. and Steve Benway, who altogether look retrospectively back at the history of the CPC 464, the CPC games, the competition with the Commodore 64 and the Sinclair and the actual development of course. Thanks for this great video Xyphoe!

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