Oct 212006

Ok, it’s a long time gone since the last update and the hack of my provider and so I missed some important news. So here they are: the the Burgparty in December, the Croco Chanel meeting in May next year and Prodatron working on a game.

The Burgparty, organized by Dr. Zed, the creator of the Symbiface II, will be held in Kirchen/Siegen on 01.-03. December 2006. The meeting takes place in the Freusburg (have a look at the picture). More infos can be found in the CPC Wiki.
Croco Chanel No.4 meeting The Croco Chanel meeting No. 4, one of the biggest CPC scene parties in France, will take place from 4th-6th May 2007 near Paris in Laigneville (Oise). If you are interested to come, then have a look at the official meeting page. A list of people who want to come to the meeting can be found in the CPC WIki.
Prodatron stopped the development of the MSX port of SymbOS for a while to program a small Pacman clone for the CPC and the MSX. In the picture you can see a development screenshot of the game which is running on SymbOS on the CPC. Pacman on CPC mode 1

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