Dec 052009

After more than a year there is a new version of CPCEmu, one of the oldest CPC emulators, available. In the new version v1.7 the keyboard support was improved. Currently only the Windows version is available for download, but the Linux version will follow soon.

You can download the new version from the CPCEmu homepage or directly here (attached to this article or in the download section).

[UPDATE: The Linux version is now available.]

CPCEmu (Linux x86)
CPCEmu (Linux x86)
Version: 1.7
615.6 KiB
CPCEmu (Windows)
CPCEmu (Windows)
Version: 1.7
1.1 MiB
Apr 212008

Do you remember CPCEMU? One of the first CPC emulators written by Marco Vieth? Well, there is now a new version available for download which corrects two bugs. One in the snapshot function and one which makes it more compatible to Windows Vista. Currently only the Linux and Win32 version was updated, the MacOS version will follow.
You can download it from the CPCEmu homepage.

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