Oct 122016


Prodatron released a new work in progress (WIP) version of his SymbOS, which is a multi-tasking cross-platform operating system for Zilog Z80 based computers like the Amstrad CPC, the Amstrad PCW or the MSX machines. This time, it contains the long awaited network support for the Amstrad CPC (well… there was no network hardware available for the last release) and also support for an USB mouse. To use those new features, you will need the Amstrad M4 Wifi expansion for the network support or the USB Albireo board.
On the software side, SymbOS comes with several network related programs, where the most important ones are an IRC chat client, which you can use to directly talk to other Amstrad CPC users on the #CPC channel at Freenode, and the telnet client. Prodatron also improved the SymbOS desktop. You can add unlimited start menu entries and desktop widgets to it now. To unpack your compressed ZIP files, you can use the new unzip tool in the SymShell console in the WIP, too.

If you want to test the latest WIP by yourself, you can download and discuss it on the CPCWiki forums.

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