Jun 242014

Optimus of Dirty Minds released a new game for the Amstrad Plus called Flappy UFO. It is a clone of the mobile phone game Flappy Bird, which gained popularity during the last few months. Optimus submitted this game to the Mini LudumDare retro challenge. If you have a real Amstrad Plus, be sure to play it on your machine, otherwise use WinApe to play it on your PC. You can download the game and its source code from Pouet.net (don’t forget to vote) and at the end of this news.

Flappy UFO for Amstrad Plus
8.4 KiB

  2 Responses to “FlappyUFO for Amstrad Plus by Optimus / Dirty Minds”

  1. Cool game. Too bad, that I have no Plus machine on my desktop. (It’s somewhere in the closet) Well, a game like this would probably run on the classic Amstrad. I’ve had a quick look at she source code, he seems to be using only the sprites from the plus hardware. Slightly modified, this game could be a great entry for the next 16k rom competition. (If there will be another one)

  2. I guess I have to use my Plus again for it. I heard that there is also another Flappy Bird version under development, which features nearly the original game, so let’s see if and when it will be released :). Such a game should also work on the classic CPCs, but won’t be as colourful of course.

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