Apr 182017

The Revision 2017 is over and I have already uploaded my recorded videos of the Amstrad CPC demo / intro entries in the previous news postings. Finally, the official results are only now and the downloads of Overflows and Krustys demos are still missing, but you can find them – as always – at the end of this news or on Pouet:

And finally the results of the Revision. I have highlighted the entries by Amstrad CPC sceners:

PC Demo

  1. 1,349 Soul Splitter by Guille – NTSC – Tenshu – Rorque – Made – 2Methyl
  2. 1,280 Hello, Kevin – A Dental Journey by SPACEPIGS
  3. 1,214 No Ambition by Quite vs T-Rex
  4. 1,139 What Are You Syncing About? by Ninjadev
  5. 1,090 20 by holon
  6. 1,010 STILL – From Under by 1x/STILL
  7. 990 Deep in the underground by Vacuum
  8. 931 Electric Forest by 1x/STILL
  9. 927 Shine by United Force vs. Digital Dynamite
  10. 926 Intrinsic 2 by jvb/S.O.T.E
  11. 840 Viianki by the Not Yet Rusty Collective
  12. 832 Ray by LNX
  13. 829 Terraforming by Unix/Hoodlum
  14. 780 Solitude by Aberration Creations
  15. 763 Money and More by Jumalauta
  16. 748 PC-13: Wursttunnel by PandaCube^Akustikrausch
  17. 743 ++++++++[>++++++++<-]>++++.+.<++[>++++<-]>.++. by Dither & Dascon
  18. 711 Allegory by Swyng
  19. 687 Outline Invitation by desire & the undead sceners
  20. 635 B/W by Chyx,null/I0bots
  21. 584 Go by Guideline
  22. 517 Green Capsule by lamogui/Pipidemic + Frat29
  23. 479 inqb@t0r by Losangeles Lamerz
  24. 368 Se otti vain kolme fiiattia päästäkseen tänne by Kahvikello
  25. 338 (notitle) by Astronautenbande
  26. 319 Life by spider-mario/Calodox

PC 64k Intro

  1. 2,005 Eidolon by Poo-Brain
  2. 1,756 Vessel by Conspiracy
  3. 1,735 Engage by Logicoma
  4. 1,685 Surge Response by Approximate
  5. 1,524 H – Immersion by Ctrl-Alt-Test
  6. 1,351 Guberniya by Macau Exports
  7. 1,322 Off by mercury
  8. 938 fr-086: The Race (Party-Version) by BeRo/Farbrausch
  9. 901 Coriolis by Vaahtera/Unstable label
  10. 685 thinkpiece by dekadence

PC 8k Intro

  1. 1,135 Alone by raft/TRSi
  2. 1,118 Where the dead things dwell by Architect
  3. 1,073 Phobos by Aberration Creations
  4. 1,044 .MY_NAME_IS_SAM by Power Rangers
  5. 1,015 Maintainance by LJ & Puryx / TBC
  6. 1,008 In The Grim Future by Seven/Fulcrum
  7. 993 Catadioptrickz by hArDy/TRSI
  8. 905 rise again by Alcatraz
  9. 897 unearthly reception by Alter! Krass! Eos!
  10. 677 Soap Washing Itself by SVatG ft. Dr. Headcrash
  11. 539 Aurora Borealis by T$ vs. SunSpire

PC 4k Intro

  1. 2,083 Final Stage by 0x4015
  2. 1,914 Absolute Territory by Prismbeings
  3. 1,892 Horizon Machine by Eos & Alcatraz
  4. 1,682 Cycle Of Nature by Loonies
  5. 1,626 Joia by Collapse
  6. 1,415 Translucent by Rootkids
  7. 1,367 Ice & Fire by Unix/Hoodlum
  8. 1,333 28 Years After by Genesis*Project
  9. 1,326 nwep by yolp+skoyp
  10. 1,245 Legit tits and bent shovels by evvvvil & Dascon / Desire
  11. 1,147 Kind of Teal by Dekadence
  12. 1,016 re-sub by K2
  13. 853 Faster, higher, louder, boom. by mostly harmless
  14. 841 Ojo De Dios by Digital Sounds System
  15. 715 Who put that there? by burito/
  16. 617 The Moldex Incident by T$

Amiga Demo

  1. 1,040 Singularities by Unique
  2. 1,034 Blast From The Past by Virgill / Dascon / Made / Facet / Titan / Dan / Oriens / Soundy
  3. 1,023 Chapter7 by Jamie/Skarla
  4. 922 Catabasis by Krabob – Nytrik – Tenshu – Okeanos
  5. 727 Negativ Prosess by Ephidrena
  6. 723 Generation500 by Spelpappan & Friends
  7. 709 Neon Carrier by moods plateau
  8. 580 RetroVision by iNSANE
  9. 436 Green Artifact by Software Failure. Code/Gfx/Music: Ham. Typography: Crumb

Amiga Intro

  1. 1,090 Imacennial by Dekadence
  2. 1,010 Kublai by Focus Design
  3. 934 Exolution by Nah-Kolor
  4. 777 Nightlight by Spaceballs

Oldskool Demo

  1. 1,476 Overdrive 2 by Titan
  2. 1,136 Logon’s run – 3D meets the aging bits by Logon System
  3. 973 Reluge by Padua
  4. 951 Kernkompetenz by Jesse Blue/Ninjaforce
  5. 870 Elements by Desire
  6. 846 .bin by flush
  7. 674 SIDROK – The unofficial Arok 2017 party invitation by SIDRIP Alliance
  8. 592 Asimov by Level 64

Oldskool 4k Intro

  1. 871 A Mind Is Born by lft
  2. 847 Beertime Lite by Dekadence
  3. 665 Catharsis Theory by Kylearan/Cluster
  4. 625 Wunderbar by Benediction & Arkos
  5. 595 kruzhok by xylem
  6. 560 Peak 4k by Fairlight
  7. 527 Die kleine Hosenposaune by SquoQuo
  8. 476 elvis copper by bodo/rabenauge
  9. 443 The Outer Limits by nom de nom/Trope

Oldskool Graphics

  1. 1,284 Got Nuts? by Prowler/Nectarine & nicepixel.se
  2. 1,070 L’Ankou by Exocet/JFF^SPB^Demozoo
  3. 1,023 Greg, The Killer Clown by Facet of Lemon. & Magic of Nah-Kolor
  4. 1,022 Lullaby by offwhite/Darklite^Boozoholics
  5. 950 Saviour by v3to/Oxyron/PriorArt/TRSi
  6. 853 Clearwater by Almighty God/Level 64
  7. 676 Vic McKracken by tokra/Akronyme Analogiker
  8. 625 On my way by OhLi/Digital Demolition Krew
  9. 552 Poo-Bus 2K17 by cTrix / disasterarea + bryface / mistigris
  10. 471 Majesty of Jumps by Nodepond/Level 90

Oldskool Music

  1. 891 just one life by PCH/Unreal
  2. 875 The Requiem by Reed / Fairlight
  3. 829 Toy Rocket by lft
  4. 802 2 decades of Dekadence – JESUS FISTUS by Response of Dekadence
  5. 791 Angry nerds by Virgill
  6. 740 Chypnotize by Dascon/Deadliners^Desire
  7. 701 Unstable Traktor by AceMan/Dreamweb
  8. 678 idk by Knoeki/Digital Sounds System
  9. 661 Cintustrial by Curt Cool/Depth & Nah-Kolor & Hoaxers
  10. 628 Funkfisch by Henne/The Dreams
  11. 621 Broken Glasses by bod/AttentionWhore
  12. 589 2600 days in digital love with a broken cyborg by Tronimal
  13. 563 Size Matters by dLx, Vedder and Triace
  14. 559 Crossing Norway Express by Xiny6581/Hitmen, Genesis Project, Dees Productions

Streaming Music

  1. 633 Neon Daydreams by Chaser/Elude
  2. 583 It’s You by Alysius/Akustikrausch
  3. 569 Reflex Risk by bod/AttentionWhore
  4. 547 From Arp To Darp by phazze
  5. 545 Scenes from 64k of Memory by Vincenzo feat. Kris Lipka
  6. 544 IMA by pROPER dISCO
  7. 534 Warum by Netpoet feat. Sarah Nakic
  8. 527 Ceres by teo/fd ^ rbs
  9. 523 I Want A Submarine But For The Surface (But Not A Boat) by Romeo Knight / Brainstorm
  10. 520 Make Or Break by raYn/BluFlame
  11. 512 Son of Storms by AceMan/Dreamweb
  12. 510 Contender by wobble/logicoma
  13. 492 368dccf0d33b by booster/focus design^dub^desire
  14. 483 Minor Acid by Subdream/Subground4
  15. 471 Crackers for Breakfast feat. Moule by tenfour
  16. 405 But it doesn’t happen by Kangaroo MusiQue/SPRING

Executeable Music

  1. 612 Wannabe a 64 by Virgill / Alcatraz
  2. 560 Hexplosion! by AceMan/Dreamweb
  3. 538 Triangularity by -pOWL!/Alcatraz
  4. 515 Strangeness on a train by ftx/kolor
  5. 491 Farting Rainbows by Triace/Desire^Insane^Retroguru
  6. 465 Donnerwetter by xTr1m & raYn / BluFlame
  7. 462 Quaint Love by Curt Cool/Depth, Nah-Kolor & Hoaxers
  8. 454 Pressured By Time by bod/AttentionWhore
  9. 439 It is demo time in your face by BeRo/Farbrausch
  10. 419 improbable by Aix/8tease

Tracked Music

  1. 817 Subi Loses the Cops by Subi/Desire
  2. 813 Beastmode! by Dascon & Soundy / Deadliners
  3. 808 The Crunch by juice/iNSANE?Reality
  4. 760 Disassembly by Saga Musix/Nuance ^ SVatG
  5. 728 Warum Tanzt Du Nicht? by LiSU / Tristesse
  6. 714 the night is over by bacter/speckdrumm^esatus
  7. 666 Firerider by Curt Cool/Depth & Nah-Kolor & Hoaxers
  8. 657 Cold Smoke by AceMan/Dreamweb
  9. 625 Cross the (Dead)Line by Skyrunner/Brain Control
  10. 620 You only live once by Voicer/Nah Kolor
  11. 607 Bootyfull Cowbells by Triace/Insane^Desire
  12. 595 Clockwork Orangeade by Jakim & Corny
  13. 581 overhead by bryface / mistigris
  14. 578 All Mega Basses by cTrix / disasterarea
  15. 571 Musik für unnütze Anlässe by raYn/BluFlame
  16. 518 Happy Fluffy Thing by KamikaTze/K2
  17. 482 Chucky Diagrom Anthem by Gouafhg/The Gang

Modern Graphics

  1. 1,107 Scavengers by Oni/Poo-Brain
  2. 1,091 Continuum by Made / Bomb
  3. 1,055 Melody by Offwhite / Darklite
  4. 985 Forest by Lycan/LNX
  5. 983 GODS by Unreal / Rebels^Focus Design
  6. 918 Heart of Darkness  by Darklight’Ghostown+Speccy.pl & Argasek/Aberration Creations
  7. 860 Megan by Iloé
  8. 809 HID.select by prince/theObsessedManiacs/TRSi
  9. 716 The Mystic River by Callisto
  10. 629 It’s near by Lowebo/TAONGAD
  11. 616 Come to the Party by Neotheta
  12. 574 Forest spirit by Bobbie Trebor / tmp^swyng
  13. 368 Look what I have found by Nodepond/Level 90


  1. 1,086 Ornithopter by Luisa/Poo-Brain^Rabenauge
  2. 1,052 Maleficient by Iloé
  3. 841 Iguana by TMA/Abyss-Connection
  4. 837 Entrance to Dixie National Forest by Gabbie/Poo-Brain
  5. 823 Miniature Norway by Exocet/JFF^SPB^Demozoo
  6. 823 Bridge Builder by -pOWL!/Alcatraz
  7. 758 Molten Core by borg/tonleben
  8. 757 moneyshot by psykon/mercury
  9. 755 A View into Space by TheBat/Guideline
  10. 755 I am root! by gertrude guglhupf/speckdrumm
  11. 751 Iloé glitch portrait by Made / Bomb
  12. 741 Very Large Hardon Collider by H7/Dekadence & TRSI & Blocktronics
  13. 737 Orange is the new blac by Argasek/Aberration Creations
  14. 687 Abandoned Gangway by OhLi/Digital Demolition Krew
  15. 682 Bambispotting by Zoë Duke/CyberCat
  16. 676 Checkerboard by nosam
  17. 673 ESCAPE by void/HicknHack
  18. 671 distress beacon by dino/5711
  19. 654 The Road to Darklite by Spotter/TRSi
  20. 639 Coverage by air2k/tonleben
  21. 629 small world by katomizer/5711
  22. 619 Revisioned by Viscid / Neoplasia / The Obsessed Maniacs
  23. 590 Eine Nacht noch schlafen by styx/headcrash^5711^DKMF
  24. 531 Traktor DJ – Tunnel Trance Force by GaBRieL /AionHill
  25. 496 Cherry Blossom by Saph / ? TRSI ?


  1. 924 Stealing the CURE by Unreal / Rebels^Focus Design
  2. 851 Welcome to the land of funk by SneakyKitty/slabs
  3. 818 Artificial Life In The City by Oni/Poo-Brain
  4. 787 Birds of Nightmare by Neotheta
  5. 772 Here is your champagne, Monsieur ! by Bobbie Trebor
  6. 721 bubbles by callisto/pinballs
  7. 650 Artificial death in the west by Max Blazer/Poo-Brain
  8. 629 Bitches ! by Iloé
  9. 576 “I did my booty” a.k.a “Lost Raven” by Strongground/Subground4 |0mod4/Subground4
  10. 527 Coral Reef by iverjo/Ninjadev
  11. 476 Final Nectabase by killerspoon
  12. 448 Evilbot is watching you by XynnM
  13. 447 Left Behind by Severin
  14. 415 Night Birds by Aurora/the Not Yet Rusty Collective
  15. 309 Round the Table by TheBat/Guideline

Animated GIF

  1. 862 servas grinsekatze by mumpitz
  2. 756 WHY IS THE BEER GONE by Tibou/Poo-Brain
  3. 752 Low Poly Memories by Exocet/JFF^SPB^Demozoo
  4. 564 Eden by Reaper919 & xyzzy
  5. 506 Revision 2017 Animation (Crunched 2 GIF) by Lord/Spreadpoint
  6. 497 SpinningCube Lightpainted *PartyProduction* by sofaritze, agrigor, kimcm, fuchsteufel / Hacksaar
  7. 476 Rainbow Ghosts by AA-Ray
  8. 434 Skeleton Flower Dance by Bobic/BitFellas & 4Sceners.de
  9. 341 It’s the universe by Nodepond/Level 90
  10. 333 Archon 2017 by vANSON/Luebecks United Lamers Inc

4k Executeable Graphics

  1. 926 Hubertus by pro/nuance
  2. 910 Urban Woods by Psycho/Loonies
  3. 671 Curred Depression by LovelyHanibal/amnesty
  4. 411 BuddhaBar by Berdes/Calodox
  5. 392 Ostehasi by OhLi/Digital Demolition Krew


  1. 828 Xump 2 by Retroguru
  2. 827 Pussy Destroyer by z/PixelProtein
  3. 820 hermes by Retroguru
  4. 790 KillVector by Piko3D
  5. 699 Puzzle Cave 3 by Hackefuffel
  6. 629 gn2p by Digital Sounds System
  7. 607 HardSnake by Feryx^Lunaticats
  8. 359 Springbettboxen by Schaedelproduktion

Animation & Video

  1. 1,248 A Case Study On Extinction by Cly Suva/CyberCat
  2. 1,173 PC DEMO by Aberracyjne Kreacje
  3. 1,028 (unofficial music video) Eurodance – Jeff by Gabbie/Poo-Brain
  4. 968 Little Demosceners by K-T
  5. 909 25Years by Unreal/Rebels^Focus Design
  6. 822 Breaking the Mainframe by BitFellas
  7. 764 Outline 2017 Invitation by LiSU / Tristesse
  8. 740 No Code IV by Xiny6581/Hitmen, Genesis Project, Dees Productions
  9. 655 Gesegnete Mahlzeit (mit Adjektiv!) by Wir sind lengyelek!?

ANSI and ASCII Graphics

  1. 1,200 20 decades of Dekadence – Oriental Myth by H7/Dekadence & TRSI & Blocktronics
  2. 1,002 The future in an uncertain world by Luisa/Poo-Brain^Rabenauge
  3. 907 Honey Skull by Necro/Fuel
  4. 802 four channels of the apocalypse by bryface/mistigris
  5. 704 The Nunny by The Knight/Fuel
  6. 643 Clash Royale in ANSI+Topaz by GRMMXI / Impure!ASCII 1940
  7. 474 NCE@REViSiON17 by nightmare/nuance


  1. 1,109 Wirklichkeitssteuerungsgeraet by Akronyme Analogiker
  2. 943 Atari Video Music – The Demo by Skyrunner, Spotter, SvOlli / TRSI
  3. 875 how to skin the rainbow serpent by sensenstahl/
  4. 844 Suddenly by elude
  5. 769 Commodore live preservation project by sTEELER/5711
  6. 741 Dare Thee to enter my realm ! by Kuemmel
  7. 708 2 Decades of Dekadence by Dekadence
  8. 679 Chiperia #7 by The Chiperia Project
  9. 608 Modules by Ritchy & Aix / 8tease
  10. 289 deadlights by radiance/empty_set {}
Wunderbar (2017) (Benediction)
Wunderbar (2017) (Benediction)
29.1 KiB
Logons Run - 3d Meets The Aging Bits - Oldskool Demo by Overflow / Logon System
23.6 KiB

  One Response to “Revision 2017 results and CPC downloads”

  1. […] guess that you have already seen the great demo “Logon’s run – 3D meets the aging bits” by Overflow / Logon System, which was released on the Revision 2017 demoparty in […]

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