Apr 282008

CCZ80 is a compiler for C style code aimed for Z80 CPUs written by Emilio Guerrero.

New features / bugfixes:

  • Avoid specify as source file the value “”.
  • Avoid warning ‘Constant not used’ when it’s used.
  • Corrections in expressions evaluation.

You can download it and get more informations about the new version on the CCZ80 homepage.

  3 Responses to “CCZ80 v2.0.2”

  1. Nueva versión ccz80 2.0.5 con muchas mejoras. Ver en http://www.telefonica.net/web2/emilioguerrero/ccz80/ccz80sp.html en la sección Novedades.

  2. New version ccz80 2.0.5 with more improvements. View http://www.telefonica.net/web2/emilioguerrero/ccz80/ccz80.html in section News.

  3. Thanks for your comment. I directly wrote a news article for the new version :).

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