Mar 272009

Emilio Guerrero released a new version of his CCZ80 compiler which understands C style code and is aimed for Z80 CPUs (thanks for your message here!).

Here are the new features / bugfixes of the new version:

  • New option in compiler /include for specify paths to search include files in program.
  • Allow use labels with the operators == and !=.
  • Allow assembler undocumented instructions (using registers IXh, IXl, IYh, IYl and rotate/shift instructions).
  • If parameter of repeat command is 0 dont’t execute any loop (previous the fix, execute 65536 times).
  • Avoid runtime error in compiler when omit an element in a comma separated list (parameters by example).
  • Optimization for remove function parameters from stack, after function execution.
  • Improvements in product, division and module operations and little imprevements in code optimization.
  • Improvement in assembler source code format when use /asm option.
  • Show message when finish compilation when any error.

You can download it and get more informations about the new version on the CCZ80 homepage.

  2 Responses to “CCZ80 v2.0.5”

  1. Thanks for the information. I will post a new news entry about it in some minutes :-)!

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