Jan 132011

Emilio Guerrero released a new version of his CCZ80 compiler which understands C style code and is aimed for Z80 CPUs.

Here are the new features / bugfixes of the new version:

  • Use Microsoft .NET 4 Client Profile to reduce the requirements for the computer.
  • Add some optimizations for generated code.
  • ccz80 IDE and sprUtilCPC sprites editor for Amstrad CPC is also compiled to Microsoft .NET 4 Client Profile.
  • Syntax files for editors adapted to ccz80 version 3.
  • Fixed and improved the application and documentation for ImgEditSprUtilCPC to design sprites to use with sprUtilCPC.
  • Included setup utility to download and install the compiler, documentation, tools, etc.
  • New IDE version 2.
  • ccz80 IDE minor improvements and documentation.

You can download it from the CCZ80 homepage.

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