Sep 112009

Do you remember the CPC Toplist? No? Well, it was a ranking site for the CPC pages which was started in 2007. Due to massive spamming it went down some months later, but now it is back – hosted on the server of Devilmarkus. Have a look at the toplist on and don’t forget to subscribe!

Apr 042007

In the german forum, Prodatron asked if it would be possible to start a ranking site for Amstrad CPC pages. Kangaroo, who already hosts, a CPC FTP server and the CPCWiki, set up such a toplist system in a hurry, so it is now available under (you can also see the CPC Toplist button at the bottom of my page).
So, if you are a CPC website owner then please add yourself to the CPC Toplist and if you know somebody who owns a CPC website, then tell him about the CPC Toplist. It would be great to combine all CPC websites in one place!

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