Sep 102009

I already wrote it some time ago: the german will be down soon. In a message on Kangaroo wrote a message, that there was nobody who wants to take over the administrator function of the board and also nobody wants to pay for it.

As a replacement Devilmarkus and Gryzor created a german section in the CPC Wiki forum. Here is the message about the creation of this section:


Hallo, Deutscher CPC-Szener!

Wie Ihr wahrscheinlich schon gemerkt habt, hat Kangaroo mal eben so das letzte
Deutschsprachige Forum gelöscht.

Er war dabei auch so nett, und hat keine Daten gespeichert, so dass ALLES verloren ist.

Solltest Du dennoch Interesse an einem Deutschsprachigen Forum haben,
erwartet dich auf ab sofort auch eine Deutsche

Wir hoffen auf rege Beteiligung und würden uns freuen, wenn die Deutsche CPC-Szene sich hier
weiter austauschen möchte.

Lieben Gruss,
Euer CPC-Wiki Team


Dear CPC-Wiki users,

As you may have noticed, Kangaroo shut down the last German language CPC-related forum, And not only that, but he also says that the data is lost…

If you’re still interested in a German-speaking forum, seeing as it was quite active, we created such a forum on

We hope for your active participation and really we would be very glad if the German CPC-scene found a new home here, at least until and if another solution is found.

The CPCWiki forum Team.

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