Aug 102009

I already posted it in a previous article, that there won’t be any sponsoring for the CPC Wiki anymore, so Gryzor put the CPC Wiki “on vacation” during his own vacation. After he is back, he tries to find a solution. Until then, at least the CPC Wiki forums are online on a new webspace which was kindly donated by Devilmarkus. You can still login with your CPC Wiki account data.

The new location for the forum is See you there…

UPDATE: Devilmarkus wrote in the new forums that the Wiki is back online, too. You can access it under I will update this news article if I hear anything new about the current situation.

UPDATE2: Please wait with editing in the CPC Wiki until Gryzor is back and decides what to do next. The current version is currently just a backup.

  2 Responses to “Wiki on vacation / forum moved”

  1. Well, everything is online and working, more or less. This is how we’re gonna work from now on and for the foreseeable future… The wiki db is NOT a backup, but the functioning wiki database, so you can do whatever you want 🙂

  2. […] already saw the posting about the CPC WIki which I posted some weeks ago. Now Gryzor informed me in one of the comments that the Wiki is now […]

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