Nov 102016

Finally here they are: the files of the competition entries of the CPCRetroDev 2016. It is awesome to see so many entries which also seem to be higher in quality again this year. I guess you have already read the news about the winners in the different categories, so here are the results of all games. To download the game, click on the title.
Hopefully, the games will be available on cassette in the future on the CPCRetroDev homepage, too.

1thumb_outlaws_retrobytesOutlawsRetroBytes(9.05) PRO Winner, Dinamic Mention, Gominolas Mention, Jon Ritman Nominee
2thumb_hirehare_cngsoftHire HareCNGSoft(8.98) PRO Second, Jon Ritman Mention, Dinamic Nominee
3thumb_virusdog_cpc-powerVirus DogCPC-Power(8.40) PRO Third
4thumb_dragonattack_bitplanetechnomantesDragon AttackBitplane Technomates(7.26) Cátedra Santander-UA Innovative Game Development Mention, PRO Nominee, Gominolas Nominee
5thumb_hair-boy_carlossevilaHair-BoyCarlos Sevila (7.09) PRO Nominee, Cátedra Santander-UA Engaging Gameplay
6thumb_thegrenadesconquest_subxplosionThe Grenades ConquestSub Xplosion(7.01) PRO Nominee
7thumb_ice-slider_egotripIce-SliderEgoTrip(6.82) Gominolas Nominee
8thumb_pingusoccer_panzPingu SoccerPanZ(6.77)
9thumb_amsthrees_glasnostcorpAmsthreesGlasnost Corp(6.72)
10thumb_mazeadventure_piterayoMaze Adventurepiterayo(6.56)
11thumb_elreinodelcolor_antoniocorpasEl Reino Del ColorAntonio Corpas(6.12) BASIC Winner
13thumb_theleyendofanubis_corestudioThe Leyend Of AnubisCore Studio(5.68)
14thumb_tradworld_marTrad WorldMAR(5.35)
15thumb_firewallwars_navyxickenFirewall WarsNavy Xicken(5.33) Dinamic Nominee
16thumb_haciendocampanya_cocoteamHaciendo CampanyaCoco Team(5.29)
17thumb_ringringwarrior_aberrantesRing Ring WarriorAberrantes(5.15)
20thumb_thegreatbattlesofmagistar_sn9495The Great Battle Of Magistarsn9495(4.78)
23thumb_harrierrevenge_independienteHarrier RevengeIndependiente(4.54)
24thumb_proyectox_poisonousdepartmentProyecto XPoisonous Department(4.48)
26thumb_fitzroy-and-the-power-wells_awerghFitzroy And The Power Wellsawergh(4.41) Jon Ritman Nominee
27thumb_nexttrack_asyncteamNext TrackAsync Team(4.33)
29thumb_sidegun_radicalpandaSidegunRadical Panda(4.25)
30thumb_heromagic_irondevsHero MagicIron Devs(4.22)
31thumb_thelastfighter_patatasasadasThe Last FighterPatatas Asadas(4.06)
32thumb_gene_losrodriguezGeNeLos Rodriguez(3.92)
33thumb_deadwarrior_aberracionunoDead WarriorAberracion Uno(3.87)
34thumb_spacewar_equipobucleSpace WarEquipo Bucle(3.52)


Nov 072016

While we are still waiting for the download of the CPCRetroDev 2016 competition, we already know the winners of the different categories. I have added the Youtube videos from the ByteRealms channel, which show the different games, so you can already have a look at what you are waiting for :-).

PRO category

  1. Outlaws / Retrobytes Productions
  2. Hire Hare / CNGSoft
  3. Virus Dog / CPC-Power

BASIC category

  • El Reino del Color / Antonio Corpas

Gominolas: best music

  • Outlaws / Retrobytes Productions

Jon Ritman: technical development

  • Hire Hare / CNGSoft

Dinamic: innovative playability

  • Outlaws / Retrobytes Productions

Catedra Santander-UA special awards

  • Hair Boy / Carlos Sevila (gameplay, entertainment)
  • Dragon Attack / Bitplane Technomantes (innovative development)

Again a big thank you to all participants, who made this competiton great again. I still cannot wait to get my hands on the games and play them on the real machine.

Nov 052016

Reidrac released a new game called Magica for the Amstrad CPC. In the game you play a sorceress who needs to recollect all the magic potions, which were stolen from her laboratory. During a level you have 50 seconds to beat all enemies and collect the potions.

Magica Ingame

The game features nice graphics, music and 5o levels to compete with the enemies. It runs on an Amstrad CPC 464, so only 64k RAM is needed and was written by using Artaburus CPCRSlib and the PSG player by WYZ. You can download the game from the Magica homepage or at the end of this news.

Version: v1.0.2
99.2 KiB
Nov 012016

We are moving forward to the final results (and the downloads :-)) of the CPCRetroDev 2016, so it is time to announce the nominees for the different categories:

PRO category

  • Hair Boy / Carlos Sevila
  • Virus Dog / CPC-Power
  • Outlaws / Retrobytes Productions
  • The Grenades Contest / SubXplosion
  • Hire Hare / CNGSoft
  • Dragon Attack / Bitplane Tecnomantes

BASIC category

  • El Reino del Color / Antonio Corpas

Gominolas Special Mention to the Best Music

  • Dragon Attack / Bitplane Tecnomantes
  • Ice-Slicer / EgoTrip
  • Outlaws / Retrobytes Productions

Jon Ritman Special Mention to Technical Development

  • Fitzroy and the Power Wells / awergh
  • Outlaws / Retrobytes Productions
  • Hire Hare / CNGSoft

Dinamic Special Mention to Innovative Playability

  • To be announced shortly

You can have a look at the trailers and gameplays on the previous posting.

Oct 292016

You might already have noticed it: the countdown timer for the CPCRetroDev 2016 on my page disappeared, so the deadline has passed and we can see how many entries we have this year. To make a long story short – 34 games are ready to be judged and while we have to wait for the final results and the downloads, you can have a look at the gameplay and the trailers for the games. Have fun!

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