Nov 052016

Reidrac released a new game called Magica for the Amstrad CPC. In the game you play a sorceress who needs to recollect all the magic potions, which were stolen from her laboratory. During a level you have 50 seconds to beat all enemies and collect the potions.

Magica Ingame

The game features nice graphics, music and 5o levels to compete with the enemies. It runs on an Amstrad CPC 464, so only 64k RAM is needed and was written by using Artaburus CPCRSlib and the PSG player by WYZ. You can download the game from the Magica homepage or at the end of this news.

Version: v1.0.2
99.2 KiB
Mar 202016

Augusto Ruiz released a new version of his music tracker, which is written in .NET, so it runs under Windows and systems, which are supported by the Mono .NET runtime. It can be used to write music for Amstrad CPC, Spectrum or MSX systems, so it is a nice tool for cross-development. The assembly source code of the WYZPlayer is included and Augusto is also working on a “port” for SDCC / CPCtelera.

The new version features envelopes for drums, loops to a specific pattern and it is easier to select the drum and sfx channel in the player.

Do not hesitate, download the latest version and test it by yourself!


Mar 182009

A new crossdevelopment tool has been released, the Wyztracker. The Wyztracker is written in .NET 2.0, so you need the Microsoft .NET runtime to run it on your system. You can play the music files with Artaburus CPCRslib for Z88dk. Currently the user interface is only available in spanish, but they are working on a release with an english translation. You cen get the files and more informations in the CPCWiki forum thread.


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