Oct 052009

D_Skywalk released a port of his emulator Pituka, which is already available for the Nintendo Wii and the Gamepark GP32, for the Dingoo A320 Linux handheld. You can download it from his website.

Here are the features of this prerelease:

  • Full Amstrad CPC Emulation, no FRAMESKIP!
  • ZIP file support
  • Onscreen keyboard


  • Keyboard Binds
  • Snapshots Support


Pituka Dingux
Pituka Dingux
Version: v0.8pre
215.9 KiB
Sep 042009

D_Skywalk, well known for his Amstrad CPC emulator Pituka for the Gamepark GP32, released a new version of his port of the Pituka CPC emulator for the Nintendo Wii, which is called Wiituka. Here are the features of this version:


  • Bug fixes in libogc/grrlib with some TV sets
  • Page can be changed with + and –
  • Added option in XML to avoid connect to internet
  • Added internal mp3 player, feels the 80s!
  • In virtual keyboard now you can clean all binded keys using A+B
  • Participates in Scenery beta 2009

To download it, you need the Homebrew Channel installed on your Nintendo Wii. If you also installed the Hombrew Browser, you can comfortably download Wiituka directly with your Wii.

May 152009

D_Skywalk, well known for his Amstrad CPC emulator Pituka for the Gamepark GP32, released a new version of his port of the Pituka CPC emulator for the Nintendo Wii, which is called Wiituka. Here are the features of this version:

  • Is like real an Amstrad CPC 6128.
  • A comfortable Interface that tries to resemble "Virtual Console"
  • With online support, download your games from coach.
  • First emulator with CPC Gunstick Emulation (Yeah!)
  • The first Wii program that emulates a Green Monitor (Wtf!?!)
  • Redefine WiiMote Keys
  • Snapshot (and tape?) Support

To download it, you need the Homebrew Channel installed on your Nintendo Wii. If you also installed the Hombrew Browser, you can comfortably download Wiituka directly with your Wii.

Apr 232009

D_Skywalk, well known for his CPC emulator Pituka for the Gamepark GP32, released his port of the Pituka CPC emulator for the Nintendo Wii, which is called Wiituka. Here are the features of the first official version:

  • It’s like real an Amstrad CPC 6128.
  • A comfortable Interface that tries to resemble "Virtual Console"
  • With online support, download your games from coach.
  • First emulator with CPC Gunstick Emulation (Yeah!)
  • And the first Wii program that emulates a Green Monitor (Wtf!?!)

And this are the plans for the next release:

  • Redefine WiiMote Keys
  • Game List with Screenshots
  • Snapshot (and tape?) Support
  • Roms details, votes and many more!

You need the homebrew channel to use this emulator on your Nintendo Wii. Hopefully the emulator will soon be available for the homebrew browser, too.

Oct 062008

D_Skywalk, who is already known for his CPC emulator Pituka for the Gamepark GP32, is working on an CPC emulator for the Nintendo Wii. He already finished the graphic modes and added support for sound and the USB keyboard, but he wants that the emulator will look a bit more like a “Virtual Console” application, so he has some work to do.
Hopefully there will be a CPC emulator for the Wii in the future.


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