Oct 312009

Devilmarkus released a new version of his Java Amstrad CPC emulator called JavaCPC. You can download it from CPC-Live.com in the download section.

Changes for version 6.7:

  • Improved CRTC 0 and CRTC 1 emulation, fully emulates Registers 6 and 8
  • New feature: JavaCPC Paint allows to paint normal sized screens, convert JPG, BMP, PNG and GIF on-the-fy into CPC format
  • Realtime clock (Just for fun, not a real emulated feature, demodisk is included)
  • Performance observer to avoid low performance / bad synchro
  • You can dump cpc-ram directly into HEX-Editor now (Read-only, but saveable to PC)
  • LZH uncompression possible for YM files
  • improvements for the YM player
  • Several minor bugfixes
  • Bugfix in Autotype to avoid shift-key ignores
  • Changed colour tables for Colour monitor (Linear / Non-linear)
Java CPC
Java CPC
Version: v6.7
2.5 MiB

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