Sep 032009
And another new version of JavaCPC, a CPC emulator written in Java, by Devilmarkus. As always, you can download it from in the download section.
Changes from ver. 6.5 to 6.6.4:
- Debugger improvements (Breakpoints, Break Instructions)
- Tape polarity changeable (Needed for some strange tapes)
- New displaying method allows DoubleBuffered in actual JAVA-update
- A virtual floppy drive as anchor window, moveable with mouse and zoomable (Double click with left/right mousebutton into the drive)
- Simple GIF-Recorder (Not perfect, but funny)
- New screenshot routine (Allows to catch also the filter/monitor mask)
- New greenscreen emulation
- Improved display filter (needs high performance PC’s)
- JavaCPC’s window position is stored now on exit
- Added Prodatron’s Digitracker tools as internal applications (MOD converter and Player generator)
- CRTC improvements allow the demo “From Scratch” to be viewed fully
- Small bugfix in FDC emulation (allows to watch raster images from ConvImgCPC without read error)